Saturday, March 18

News Update

We've had another nice week here on Lake Superior where all the children are above average. The weather has been nice, and the snow is melting.

Kristian continues to grow and amuse us with his developments. Haaken and Liam are off school this week for Spring Break, so we're enjoying having them around each day. And they're enjoying staying up a little later in the evening. Saturday is Erica's birthday, and we have a bunch of her friends over for the evening to celebrate with her. Travis and Sylvia have made an offer on a house. The offer has been accepted so now they're working on inspections, financing and other arrangements. I haven't seen the inside yet, but they say it will only need minor face-lifting. Eric took a whirlwind trip out to Saskatchewan to visit his parents before they flew back to BC. He drove out last Friday, and drove back on Tuesday. I have been working only part time this week as the schools are not in session. I will get back on the travelling schedule next week.

We got a batch of letters from Zambia that the Manns brought back with them. It was great to hear from our dear friends over there, but sad to be reminded of their predicaments. We are looking forward to our visit over there starting in July.

And that's the kind of week it has been.

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