Tuesday, November 28

Golf 2006

This was the year I decided to get some golf instruction. I ordered a swing system that was getting some good reviews in the periodicals. It came on a DVD, and I began working on the basics of the refined swing. They promised to cut my handicap by seven strokes—now that sounds good! I'm running along with a handicap of 16, so this sounds good! Obviously, they are wanting to change me over to a consistent, manageable swing, but the main two things are a rebuilt grip, and correction of my flying elbow.

I provide dedicated work on my game through the late winter, and when spring comes I get on the range and on the course as often as possible. Fortunately, my family got me a golf membership so I can golf everyday if I wish, and I usually wish!

The golf does improve, I have several games in the 70's—a first for me. I still have games in the 90's—a no-no for me! Of course, work still intervenes, and then there are five weeks in Zambia, but there is undoubtedly progress. Over the course of the year, I have two games at +4, on different courses. I even play one set of nine holes at par! That would be nice to get used to! I played my last golf for the year on November 23rd. The snow started this week, so I think it's time to hang them up for the year. Now we're into next year country!

Monday, November 27


I completed this round of school tours in early November. Then I was off to London for training in our new Student Management System (SMS) from Maplewood. This is the same SMS we were using at Western in Dauphin, so I have some familiarity with it. However, it has gone through several upgrades since then, and I didn't know much about it then! Karen took care of all that stuff! So, I get three days of training so I can assist my schools to install the SMS and begin using it to handle all our student data. Now this is quite a jump for all of them—the most advanced had been using a spreadsheet to keep biographical data. All others were still using only paper files. Anyway, I get the training, and I prepare a rollout plan, and I begin getting them going, one by one.

I also have my regular meetings with the regional professional network centre, and at the office. The sum of my activities are that things are coming together, moving along, or however one might wish to describe making progress. My schools are getting their reports in; the SMS is getting installed; the program is developing. Oh, there's still a lot left to do, but right now it's time to consolidate these early gains.

Later, we'll be ready for another push forward.