Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior, and an eventful week it was! We've spent our week here in town, but our thoughts have often been focused on our neighbour to the south! Travis took Tuesday off work, so we all gathered in front of the TV to watch the historic American election unfold.
Overcoming our many trepidations, we were relieved to watch them elect Barack Obama as their new president. Widespread support produced a landslide victory (365-173) and only the interests of the media in prolonging the race kept it from being acknowledged earlier. Electoral mishaps that continue to mar the 2000, 2004 results and remain the subject of investigations and court cases were remarkably absent. It seems there was clear electoral misbehaviour in only three jurisdictions this time—Georgia, Minnesota and Alaska. Georgian issues now seem resolved, a recount and court battles are underway in Minnesota, and only in Alaska does there appear to be a longer term concern over fraud. In any case, Obama is scheduled to be inaugurated on January 20th, so I have only a couple of months to transition from supporter to critic!

Otherwise, I have spent most work time helping secretaries with OnSIS reporting and continuing my work on database development in support of the territorial student program. I managed to get over to the golf course one last time on Tuesday, so I've finished my season (I think) and my handicap has settled at 15.3. On Wednesday, I had my surgery on my back. The doctor was removing a lump that has been bothering me for some years. In recent weeks it had become such an irritant it interfered with my sleep, so the doctor agreed to remove it. It is now sent away for testing, and I am getting used to sleeping with six stitches—due to be removed next week.
Wendy keeps occupied as per usual and is preparing for a job interview on the 10th. These days, she also is responsible for cleaning and replacing the bandage on my incision each day—perhaps she should go into nursing!
Erin and Kristian continue with their regular routines of work and play. Kristian focuses on increasing his vocabulary, and is being directed increasingly toward toilet training.
Travis keeps busy with work and homework—more so homework. Things are progressing pretty well for him.
Finally, this afternoon, we sat down to watch our Riders, but were disappointed to see them lose the Western Semi-final, so that's the end of their season, along with the end of our hopes for back to back Grey Cups!
So, that's about it for this week.
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