Saturday, May 17

News Update

Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior. It has been a full week of work on the road for me.

I picked up our rental Jeep on Monday afternoon, and we headed out Tuesday morning. I worked all day in Upsala, while Wes accompanied the grade eights to Ignace to check out their high school options. Then, we headed north to Savant Lake in the evening. We hit piles of light-coloured rain (Some people call it snow, but I know that snow does not fall in May!) on the road as we drove further north, so the progress was slowed. We spent Wednesday and Thursday working at the school in Savant Lake, while staying in a cabin on Sturgeon Lake. The cabin was poorly constructed, and we were cooking for ourselves, but we managed okay while only devouring the protein quota of a small African village! We head back south on Thursday evening, and have a hotel stay in Ignace that night. Then, on Friday we work some more in Upsala and complete the tour back home.

More work remains in the backyard here at home. Wendy has plans for me there! The grass is starting to germinate. I cut the front lawn for the first time. I practice golf for a while, but it's too windy for me to enjoy playing so I don't attempt that.

Eric/A and the boys are here for the long weekend, so that's great. We plan a nice barbecue for tomorrow afternoon.

Erin and Kristian are doing fine. The children and spouses got together to get a Red iPod shuffle for Wendy on Mothers Day, so I get that set up for her. She's enjoying listening to ZOE.

Trav tries to help out with Wendy's iMac, but no luck on that front yet. We can see the picture on the screen if we use a flashlight, but it's not really usable. I log on to it remotely to get a couple files for Wendy.

And that's about it for this week.

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