Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior, although I have spent most of it far away to the north and west of Thunder Bay. The weather had turned nice and we're certainly enjoying that. Since I've been travelling and in line with the weather we have been experiencing, I haven't managed any golf for almost three weeks. However, I did get out for a few hours of practice this afternoon, and look forward to getting back onto the links tomorrow. I have been fighting a cold all week, but seem to be getting over it now.
Wes and I flew up to Red Lake on Monday morning, and worked there Monday and Tuesday. Then, on Wednesday morning we chartered a flight over to Pickle Lake and spent Wednesday and Thursday working at that school. We caught a regular flight back to Thunder Bay on Thursday evening. The work in both schools went well, and significant progress was made. We also enjoyed using the charter flight across between the communities as on earlier tours we had had to return to Thunder Bay and then fly all the way back.
Friday was consumed with office work, but I managed to get some yard work done today before heading out to the golf practice area this afternoon.
Wendy has been taking care of things at home. She does it well. Erin has carried on with work, and today she bought a slide for Kristian, so I see further construction work on my to do list! Kristian is doing well this week.
I have no update on Travis & Sylvia this week; I seem to recall that Sylvia had last week off, but is back at work this week.
And that's the kind of week it's been.
Wes and I flew up to Red Lake on Monday morning, and worked there Monday and Tuesday. Then, on Wednesday morning we chartered a flight over to Pickle Lake and spent Wednesday and Thursday working at that school. We caught a regular flight back to Thunder Bay on Thursday evening. The work in both schools went well, and significant progress was made. We also enjoyed using the charter flight across between the communities as on earlier tours we had had to return to Thunder Bay and then fly all the way back.
Friday was consumed with office work, but I managed to get some yard work done today before heading out to the golf practice area this afternoon.
Wendy has been taking care of things at home. She does it well. Erin has carried on with work, and today she bought a slide for Kristian, so I see further construction work on my to do list! Kristian is doing well this week.
I have no update on Travis & Sylvia this week; I seem to recall that Sylvia had last week off, but is back at work this week.
And that's the kind of week it's been.