Another week (and almost another year) passes on the shore of Lake Superior. And while the climes may continue to be salubrious, the rising temperatures make outdoor activity less enjoyable. The thermometer continues to push higher in the twenties, and threatens to continue into the thirties; we are happy to enjoy the air-conditioned comfort of the house (leave us alone, David Suzuki!).
The pool also gets a lot of traffic, even more so after the arrival of Eric and the boys on Tuesday. Even Wendy is eventually convinced to take the plunge. Kristian seems unable to make his mind up about it—everytime I stand him at the top of the ladder, he jumps in, but he hollers (in what seems to be discomfort) while he's there! Haaken and Liam spend hours on end playing in the water.
I've only managed one golf game this week. That was with Eric on Wednesday. It was okay; I scrambled a lot on the front nine, but improved on the back—46-40, for an 86. We've put together a foursome for my birthday on Monday, so, I'm looking forward to that.
Wendy is doing much better health-wise, so that's a relief. Erin has applied for a job at the University—we hope that goes forward. Erica drove down after work on Thursday, so we have the whole family together for a few days—it's nice!
And that's the kind of week it's been.
The pool also gets a lot of traffic, even more so after the arrival of Eric and the boys on Tuesday. Even Wendy is eventually convinced to take the plunge. Kristian seems unable to make his mind up about it—everytime I stand him at the top of the ladder, he jumps in, but he hollers (in what seems to be discomfort) while he's there! Haaken and Liam spend hours on end playing in the water.
I've only managed one golf game this week. That was with Eric on Wednesday. It was okay; I scrambled a lot on the front nine, but improved on the back—46-40, for an 86. We've put together a foursome for my birthday on Monday, so, I'm looking forward to that.
Wendy is doing much better health-wise, so that's a relief. Erin has applied for a job at the University—we hope that goes forward. Erica drove down after work on Thursday, so we have the whole family together for a few days—it's nice!
And that's the kind of week it's been.
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