Saturday, June 23

News Update

Another week passes on the shore of Lake Superior. The weather was a little unsettled, but I still managed three games of golf between my bouts with OnSIS.

My golf game continues to come around. I have now played ten games this season, and I'm starting to see some improvement in consistency. This week I managed three scores 87, 83 & 80—definitely the kind of trend I like! I still snap hook occasionally, and on a tighter course that could spell bigger trouble.

Work is almost totally dedicated to termly reports to the Ministry—OnSIS as its known. Five of my schools are still lagging, and I'm struggling to help them get caught up. They, of course, have a lot of competing agendas this time of year, so it's hard to get them to focus on this one for very long.

My container garden is doing well. The photo shows about half of the boxes—I'm following a strategy called "Square Foot Gardening" so each of the small squares is that size, and we have twenty-six of them. I have also built them on raised platforms to be easy on our creaky backs! I'll keep reporting on how it goes—it's our first try at something like this.

Wendy continues to suffer with her shoulder, arm and back pain, although there is clear improvement this week. She even managed to do some baking today—poppy seed sheet cake, yum, yum!

Erin is keeping busy with babysitting and homework all week. Kristian keeps himself and the rest of us busy without even having a portfolio!

Travis & Sylvia keep busy with their work and home. They just finished buying a deep freeze, so that must signal another level of domesticity!

And thus another week passes.

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