Saturday, June 9

News Update

Another week passes on the lovely shore of Lake Superior.

There has been some progress at work. The Ministry has announced year three funding, so that's good. They've added a caveat that 50% of the funding is dependent on our progress with OnSIS, so that's not good! OnSIS has allowed that it may have manuals and training materials ready next week for their June Reports that they demand we complete on time... and what about their getting the things ready on time? Don't ask! So, I don't although I do register a complaint with them. Then, I'm back at it with my schools trying to get them successfully through March Reports for OnSIS—we have three main reporting periods to the Ministry: October, March & June. To this point, only five of my fourteen schools have completed March, and the Ministry wants June done on time! Yikes! Well, at least we got them to extend the deadline to September 30th.

I managed another golf game—it was not good—a lot of hooks and snap hooks, accompanied by a collection of pulls and quackers. This all added up to 87, also not good. But I had fun anyway. More practice is in order on this new swing.

Wendy has continued to suffer with her problematic left shoulder. The doctors remain unsure about how serious it is, but have prescribed some medication and some painkillers. Neither seem adequate to the task!

Back yard work continues. I got some of the container gardening operational, and all of the material cut for the project. It should be all in operation next week. I got the pool set up and filled—one small leak is troubling, and remains to be found!

Erin continues with her classes and her babysitting. Kristian continues with his growing and climbing—what are you doing on top of the piano?!

And that's the kind of week it's been.

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