Saturday, May 27

News Update

We have had another week here on the shore of Lake Superior.

It has been quite busy as we try to finish a few items on the 'to do' list before leaving for the prairies next week. My health has continued shaky as my coughing continues. I finally gave in and spent a day in bed, and I felt some better, but the last couple of nights have been noisy again—I don't know how Wendy gets any sleep either!

I finished up some items of work, but there are still a couple outstanding. I hope to get them done in the next couple of days... I managed to get out golfing a few times, and scored my first sub-eighty round on a regular course on Victoria Day. I've had two 82's since then; I start well, but fade badly on the back nine. I'm thinking that I either get mentally tired, or just lazy and lose my focus... then my shots become wayward! (Could be a sermon illustration there!) Wendy and I also managed a bit of work in the back yard. We finally repaired the fence (It was broken down when a large tree fell.), and also did some brush clearing and cleanup. I have assembled materials, but still haven't begun building the trellis/arbor/sunshade.

Erin has posted a number of new photos of Kristian. Check them out at:

Erica and Liam enjoyed a fly-in trip to Collins. Liam caught a couple of trout, and brought one back to show us. Nice fishing!

And that's the kind of week it's been.

Monday, May 22


I've been reading my dad's journal from 1952 recently, and I read with interest his comment for April 20, 1952. At the end of his entry, he noted that they had gone to Gravelbourg "to hear T.D."

That would have been Tommy Douglas, then premier of Saskatchewan, and quite an amazing fellow. Tommy's political life was consumed by one central goal, to provide health care as a basic human right for all citizens. He became premier of Saskatchewan in 1944, and remained so until his retirement from provincial politics in 1961. He inherited administration of a province burdened with massive debt, and gradually repaid it and created a surplus. As the province's finances improved, his government introduced universal hospitalization and finally universal health care. (Med dee kal Care as he famously enunciated it!) Tommy went on to national politics as founding leader of the New Democratic Party, but never enjoyed any particular electoral success nationally. He was, however, instrumental in the establishment of our national medicare program through his work in parliament. He has been recognized recently as the Greatest Canadian in a national contest, and he has great significance in all our lives in line with one of his favourite quips, "Beware of the little fellow with an idea." My brief experience and limited study of history has given me to conclude that each major change in history can be traced to the activity of a single person. And the next great idea could come from you!


Well, I finally did it. I almost blew it, but I hung on at the end. Actually, I was flailing away at the end! I had a very good front nine—one over par, but then I started the back nine with three bogies. The pressure was telling! However, I righted the ship with four pars, and when I came to seventeen, I knew it was within reach. So, I promptly double-bogied seventeen, for my first double of the day. And followed it up by doubling eighteen! I hadn't even dared to check the score card after seventeen, I was already feeling enough pressure. Fortunately, when I added it all up... ta da... seventy-nine! I have broken 80 before on short courses, but this is my first on a regular course. I have also reduced my handicap to 13.2, and I'm looking to improve that further. My goal is to get my handicap down to single digits. My golf coach is promising a seven-stroke improvement, and I was at 13.9, so we'll see if he's up to the challenge!

Saturday, May 20

News Update

We have survived another week here on Lake Superior. It has been a hectic one, as we've been in preparations for the fortieth anniversary of our congregation here. Wendy has been particularly busy, as she enjoys painting, and is very particular about it. The church building has been reorganized, repainted and cleaned thoroughly in anticipation of our visitors this weekend.

The weather has been very pleasant; pollen is in the air; I am continuing to suffer from hayfever and the resulting coughing fits. I worked through ten days of Aerius, but it didn't prove to be particularly beneficial. I'm back on chlor-tripolon again. I hope the problem will ease soon. I was able to get out for two rounds of golf at the Municipal course. It's one of the courses on my golf membership, but it's on a very sandy base, so it dries out quickly after rains. It's also an easier course, with only one par three and one par five per nine holes. Anyway, I managed an 81 and a 78. Of course this should be cause for celebration, but I don't regard the Muni as a worthy test, so I don't accept breaking 80 there! We're hoping to try Chapelles on Monday; it should be dried out by now!

I was flew over to Sudbury on Monday for workshops with a Dr. Bernhardt on using data to understand how we're doing in schools. It was pretty good. I got back here late Tuesday night. Otherwise, I've been working on the few items left on my work plate. I've pretty well used up my days for the year, but I still have a few things to complete, so I'll continue working a few more days yet. Then I'm off until we get back from Zambia.

Everyone else is doing fine. The boys are experimenting regularly with their new golf sets, although Haaken has declared a declining interest. "I didn't know that golf was going to require so much focus," he complains! Liam is also playing soccer in the spring league. Eric coaches that team. Kristian continues to grow, develop and amuse us.

And that's the kind of week it's been.

Saturday, May 13

News Update

Safely through another week here on Lake Superior, where the women are strong, and you know the rest!

I am continuing to enjoy hay fever season in TBay, NOT! Once the breeze started up, I found Erica's industrial strength antihistamine didn't do the job either! Thankfully, the friendly neighbourhood pharmacist noted that a new metabolite of the same drug used in Claritin is now on the market, and I might wish to try it. Well, Claritin never had any effect on me, but this new one, Aerius, seems to be working so far. It's been rainy since I changed over, so it's still too soon to tell. Now the weather has dried off again, so we'll see what develops.

With rain most of the week, in combination with a conference on Thursday and Friday, I've been I've been only able to accommodate one round of golf. The front nine went very well—40, and it should have been 38 if I could have putted! However, I think I lost focus on the back nine, and returned to some bad, old habits. As a result, I scored 45—not so good!

Kristian continues to grow and progress well. We enjoy watching him develop. He is a delightful little fellow, and sure keeps Erin busy! Erin has also kept active with some babysitting.

Wendy continues to keep up with her gym schedule. She has also done more painting at the church, but sliced into her finger on Friday evening while trying to cut up potatoes, so that's hampering her busyness.

Haaken and Liam got new golf sets this week. So far they've got more play out of the boxes the clubs came in! It's been a busy week for Erica as she was in charge of the conference. Travis is busily engaged in looking for a summer job now that he's out of school until September.

Anyway, that's the kind of week it's been. Next week I'm off to Sudbury for Tuesday and Wednesday.

Saturday, May 6

News Update

Another week has been completed here on Lake Superior. Of course, all of the residents here continue to be above average... well, maybe not.

I am having my first spring in Thunder Bay, and am finding out what environmental factors may disagree with me. As a result, I've been taking Reactine to prevent my reaction. Alas, it failed! So, I upgraded to double dosing the Reactine—still no luck! Then I changed over to chlor-tripolon. Rats! Another failure! Finally, Erica provided me some industrial strength antihistamine (available by prescription), and my eyes and sinuses are thanking her. In the meantime, a week of post-nasal drip has left me with a persistent cough, so I'm not enjoying above average health.

It's been rather rainy this week, so I've only managed one round of golf. I shall wish for better luck next week. I've been able to make good progress on a couple of work projects, so that's good anyway. I need to make a presentation next Thursday about the progress of the MISA project and that's beginning to take shape. Then the plan for years two and three is due on the fifteenth, and I have completed another draft of that.

Kristian continues to grow and progress well. He gets around by rolling, as he hasn't learned how to crawl yet. Erin keeps busy looking after him, and also has been doing some babysitting for two of the other families we know here. She continues to consider and plan some educational upgrading next year. She thinks she would like to take bookkeeping.

Wendy has been busy with going to the gym, and repainting over at the church building. She has also continued lobbying for a number of interior changes in the house, and wants to make some yard improvements as well. Sigh!

Eric, Erica and the boys continue with their work and school. Liam has started into spring soccer league—Eric coaches the team. Eric is trying to get his golf season underway as well.

Anyway, that's the kind of week it's been.

Wednesday, May 3

Round Two

Golf has started for another season. I managed 87 on my opening round, but I was quite disturbed about my driving. I know the fairways were soft and all, but I was only getting it 200 yards, and I was hitting my 3-iron 190! Over the weekend I did some more thinking about it, and remembered buying a new driver last year. It was a concern because it has a stiffer shaft than I'm used to. Well, I reasoned that my newly manufactured golf swing might not be letting me swing hard enough to make the shaft work. Apparently, with graphite shafts you have to be more careful to get a shaft that matches your swing speed. So, I had two options—swing harder, or change clubs! Swinging harder has always been one of my problems, so I decided not to try that. I got my old driver back from Travis and put it into play for my second round. It paid immediate dividends. I was hitting a little farther (it seems I'm only good for 240 yards now!), but a lot straighter. Next time I plan to try my three-wood. It may go just as far! I used to hit it 230 off the fairway before.

My short game still needs a lot of work before I have any consistency around the greens, but my scoring improved to 81, so that's very encouraging. Eric has picked up a new putter, so I'm sure he'll want to get out and try it soon. Anyway, so far so good!