Saturday, June 1

And what is so rare...?

Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather has been beautiful and we have spent much time in the yard—wonderful! I harvested the first picking of rhubarb for the season; it is now in the freezer. I got out several times to practice golf, but no games this week—I do enjoy practicing! The yard is looking good. Lilacs are in bloom. All the perennials are developing nicely, and the dandelions are thriving! Our whipper-snipper has died, but we were able to borrow Trav's to clean up the lawn borders. This week, we're looking at the costs of driveway replacement, but as those bids came in, we've started thinking that maybe the furnace will be the end of renos for this year. The markets have been troubled again this week, but after the Trump convictions, we enjoyed the best day of gains of the entire year on Friday. I guess folks like being assured that the system sometimes takes down the big guys, too. The preseason has come to an end in football; we look forward to a better season from our beloved Roughriders—although that's a low bar after last year! Their first game is next Saturday. The Jays continue to flounder their way along in baseball with injuries adding to their woeful record. In hockey, my Oilers have taken a 3-2 lead in their series with Dallas. I hope they can finish it off tomorrow. In the East, the Rangers faced elimination tonight down in Florida, and that's the end of my faint hopes for them, sigh! 

Greg & Kiersten Wedding Party

Wedding Kiss

Erica writes, "This weekend, we are all together in Kenora, Ontario for Greg’s wedding. We met Kiersten over a year ago and she is a great match for Greg. Eric is performing the ceremony, and I am a witness. The event is out at Silver Birch Camp—it’s a beautiful site for a small wedding. The trip has brought back many memories. We drove around Kenora and Keewatin, revisiting old haunts. We hope to catch up with some more friends on Sunday at church." [Editorial note: KENORA was named in recognition of the founding communities of Keewatin, Norman and Rat Portage] 

Cat under the chair

Erin and Kristian are fully into Graduation planning. We're looking forward to taking part in that at the end of the month. Erin enjoys her patio-living area, and so do her cats! The garden boxes are ready to go again, with irrigation lines intact. 

Travis and Joanna keep busy with work and also with renovations inside and outside of their house. Today, Trav installed the cabling inside the wall for a clean-looking TV installation—nice. Next week, they expect to take shipment of their new couches. We enjoyed a pleasant evening on their deck with them and the dogs. Andrew and Rosie stopped by as well. 

And that's enough for this week. 

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