Saturday, June 22

Moving Along!

Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. We've been cleaning up some issues around the house and yard as we prepare to head west next week. I picked another batch of rhubarb and we have more bags of that in the freezer. I have a lawn problem. It looks like a chemical burn, but I'm treating it as a chinch bug infestation. I gave that area of the lawn a couple of treatments, and also watered the driveway weeds to slow them down over the time we're away. The YouTube of our Spring Concert is now available—we hope you enjoy it. Last Sunday was Fathers' Day, and I enjoyed the extra attention from my children—thanks guys! Along with the usual greetings, I was funded with some money for golf! And, I got some special individual items as well. I was gifted a special hammer built by Kristian in his shop class.

If I had a Hammer!

I got a focaccia starter set from Trav & Joanna!
Flour, Yeast, Oil, Pan... good to go!

And my #1 child provided a reassuring book! 
High Praise, indeed!
So, I am well set for another good year! I did a bit more clean up in the yard and shop, packed up some tools I may need over the summer, and we're pretty much ready to go. Wendy has been busy all week clearing away Sweet Adelines business, and cleaning the house since we won't be here for some time! I have started my dental work under the new government dental program—thank you, Mr. Singh. It will take some time to catch up on my dental needs, but at least we're started. The markets have continued to search for a consistent way forward, but they failed again this week. Cooling retail sales should have teased rate cut bets and encouraged buying, but investors remained reluctant even as USA indices hit record highs once again. Blue Jays continued to flounder through the first half of the season; if they don't get it together very soon, they won't be together as management will be selling at the trade deadline. Riders continued to impress and win in the early season—keep it going Riders! But the big news is my Oilers who have rebounded from an 0-3 hole to win three straight and force a deciding game seven in the Stanley Cuplayoffs! 

Eric and Erica are having a quieter week in Prince Albert. Erica is enjoying the first few shows with her girl band. 

Erin and Kristian are getting ready for grad next week. We plan to be there for that. 

Travis celebrated Joanna on Tuesday for her birthday. Of course, he celebrates her every day anyway! We provided some flowers. 

Joanna loves Gerbera Daisies
This evening, they, along with Andrew & Rosie, joined us for a farewell BBQ! We'll be missing them over the next while. They also shared sad news this evening as Minnie has passed away. We'll all miss that furry little rascal! 
Fond Farewell Minnie

And that's enough for this week. 

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