Saturday, May 18

May Long!

Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather has remained nice with several rain showers and a couple of thunderstorms to spice things up. I've managed some golf practice and am hoping to get my other prescribed round in this weekend. My physio appointment is next Thursday, so I have some time left to get it played. In the meantime, I've puttered away at some projects in the shop and yard. I'm planning to rebuild the side fence this summer and probably cut it down a bit since we no longer have a pool. The rhubarb is ready for the first picking of the season. Wendy has been busy in the flower beds, and they're looking good as the peonies, hostas, day lilies, bleeding hearts, irises, and some shrubbery are developing. She is gradually improving with her cough/cold. This week, she is taking allergy relief pills as well which seems to be giving some benefit. The markets ran nicely this week as the USA inflation data came in better than expected. All USA indices and the TSX are in record high territory, thus I am already at my monthly quota. Can I hang on?! The Blue Jays continue to struggle as the season is almost one fourth complete. The pitching is generally good, but the batting has been very sporadic. Each game seems to hang on whether they can find a new way to lose! The second round of the NHL playoffs is nearly completed. As I predicted, the Rangers and Panthers advanced to the Eastern finals. In the West, my picks are not doing so well. The Stars knocked off Colorado to advance, and my Oilers are struggling mightily against the Canucks! They'll be playing game 7, in Vancouver, on Monday. Anyway, I'm picking Rangers versus either Oilers or Canucks in the Cup final series. 

Erica writes, "It was another busy week. Eric is teaching an online class for the University of Lethbridge. That keeps him busy Tuesday and Thursday evenings. I am on the Lobsterfest organizing committee for Rotary and we are a week away, so that keeps me busy, on top of busy season at work. So, in case you didn’t catch it, it’s busy. And it’s good. Eric’s good friend and brother from another mother, Mike Koops stopped by on Friday. We had a late night of visiting. He’s heading up to hike to Grey Owl’s cabin this weekend. Our former pastor and good friend Mike Engbers passed through on Thursday with his family. Eric got to catch up with him for breakfast on Friday morning. Greg was flown to Thunder Bay on Tuesday for some tests on his heart. They discovered reduced flow and put in a stent. Then, they flew him back to Kenora. It boggles my mind that was all done in one day. He’s home now and feeling better. It’s only two weeks until his wedding! Liam and Haaken appear to be doing fine. Liam is planning for another year at Briercrest and working with RU. He is also considering a future mission trip. We are praying for guidance and direction for him.

Erin and Kristian are enjoying the week in Regina while preparing Kristian to take part in an experimental treatment study for his skin issues. Of course, he won't know if he's in the active drug part, or the placebo, but we're hoping the drug proves successful and he can benefit in the long run at least. Erin is thriving in her new assignment at VW/Audi; her Jays? Not so much!! Erin seems to have picked up a flu this week, so she's planning a quiet long weekend. The Egg has been relocated to the patio, so she can veg back there! 

Travis and Joanna are busy with work and renovations. Their lawnmower has suffered a mishap, so it's over here now. He hit a stump, so as expected, the timing was messed up. I got the flywheel back in place, so it will run, but now it seems to be lacking lubrication, so it runs a few seconds and then stalls. It's a 4-stroke, so I'm wondering whether something is messed up on the oil delivery system. Right now, I've added oil to the gasoline, and it runs as a 2-stroke, but still seems to get too hot. 

And that's enough for this week. 

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