Saturday, May 11


Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather has remained beautiful and we have been out regularly on our bikes, and to the golf course. I walked my first 9-hole game today—my back got tired, but functioned as expected and without pain. That's quite an improvement from last year when the best I managed was three holes! Wendy is back from her competition in Rochester MN. Here's a link that may let you see their performance there. 

Sounds of Superior - 2024

She has been suffering a Spring cold this week, and has also suffered the Buckley's Mixture antidote! It was another big week in music for us as Silver Sound had our concert last night. It went well, and our guest soloist was spectacular. I have managed a bit more work in the shop, and have another project nearing the finish line. The markets flipped back to the green side this month, and that has carried us to some nice gains. The NHL playoffs continue. Stars advanced as I predicted, so just Winnipeg let me down in Round 1. Now, I have Oilers, AVs, Rangers and Panthers in Round 2, so we'll see how that plays out. 

Erica writes: "I’ve spent half the week trying to get better and the other half muddling through a Spring cold. Fun times—not! Eric has been learning some chords and songs on the mandolin. Pretty soon we will need to schedule a hootenanny at 55 Laird if Uncle Dave will host us. We also got word that Greg is in the hospital. Some tests indicate heart trouble and others indicate no such thing. So, we wait for more tests to be held in Thunder Bay. We pray that he is okay. No word from Liam or Haaken this week. Eric is hoping his Canucks get through this next round of the playoffs, however if the sportscasters (and my dad) are to be believed, the Oilers are the heavy favourites!

Erin and Kristian are enjoying the change of seasons in Regina. While Kristian responded well in recovery from the staph infection of a couple of weeks ago, his longer term skin issues remain, so they are considering taking part in an experimental regime targeted on that issue. Erin had her first solo monthend at VW/Audi; it was a big learning experience, but she's feeling great about how it went. 

Travis and Joanna are back to their usual work protocols, but are also remaining quite busy. They are in the process of replacing some furniture, and while some of the pieces have vacated, they are taking advantage of the clearance to do some repainting. 

And that's enough for this week. 

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