Saturday, October 17

Virus Surging World-wide!

Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather has turned noticeably cooler as Autumn progresses. I was glad to complete the repairs and shingling on the shed before it got too cold, even so, it was a struggle to make the ridge cap bend.
Water Damage


Capping it off! 
We continue to face the raging pandemic, and the last month has brought about a resurgence all over. Ontario has reintroduced restrictions in several areas as infection rates climb. US hit a new high of nearly 72,000 new infections yesterday, and almost another 1000 deaths. Only those areas that took this very seriously are finding themselves relatively safe. A close friend in Winnipeg has been infected and is suffering debilitating symptoms. We continue to shelter at home, I don't go out much, while Wendy takes precautions when she does. I continue to expect this situation to remain with us for a long time, and look forward to improved treatment methods as our main protection. I am not counting on an effective vaccine. Wendy has continued to work on the storage closet. She's having paint rejection problems in one area and keeps trying to sand it clean and repaint, but the paint just isn't sticking! She has also determined that another part needs further repair, so that job is not done yet. She has tracked down another French door, so I suspect I'll soon be installing another sliding door, this time to close off the laundry/furnace room from the rest of the basement. I have continued the physiotherapy on my index finger; range of motion is improving. The on-again-off-again stimulus talks in the USA have kept the markets uneasy. I remain mostly out of the markets awaiting a final decision on stimulus so we can get away from the news cycle. It sure would be great if they'd elect a stable government down there so we can invest more rationally. Baseball playoffs are ramped up for the World Series. In the American League Championship Series, Tampa Bay opened up a 3-0 lead on Houston, then frittered it all away, but won game 7 tonight to advance. Dodgers fell behind 3-1 to Atlanta, but have fought back to force a game 7 on the National League side tomorrow. 

Liam got useful results on his recent bloodwork. His doctor has determined a new focus of attack against his health issues. We hope for some measure of success. Otherwise, things remain the same in Prince Albert with Eric and Erica pushing forward with work and home renovation plans. Liam is still looking for work in Caronport, but his RU team put out an energetic video. I was exhausted just watching! Haaken is working on an animated game; we look forward to seeing it! 

Erin and Kristian have battled health issues and school work all week. They both got negative results on their Covid tests, but Kristian has still been suffering with allergy-like symptoms all week. As a result, he's had a lot of schoolwork to do from home, and not feeling well makes it even more difficult. He finally got to school on Friday. Tonight, they're celebrating a belated Thanksgiving dinner with Shawn, Astrid and Liam. 

Joanna has made another trip south to help out with her dad. She got back yesterday, but now she is self-isolating once again. The surge in virus cases does not encourage us to think that either Gemma or Andrew will return to the usual school program anytime soon. It's much less than ideal to be doing lab work and other practical aspects of their courses in a virtual format. 

And that's about enough for this week. 

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