Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather has remained cool, but we're promised some double digit days in the next week, and we look forward to that! Last week, I lamented over the surge of coronavirus infections, and the USA surpassing an unimaginable 80K per day, but CV-19 has blasted upward to new levels throughout the world this week, and just yesterday USA had over 100K. Too many folks just are not taking this seriously! Our friends in Winnipeg are recovering, and none of the children have fallen ill so far. At some point, we may even find out whether they were infected. If not, it's a marvelous testimony to the work of a nurse, within her own home, and even while she, herself, was ill! Across Canada, we are also suffering a surge of infections, and increased restrictions have been instituted in many provinces. If all goes well, we may have some relaxation of these by Christmas.
We have kept busy with our projects, Wendy has completed painting the guest room; we are looking for new flooring for that room. We purchased a storage cupboard to augment the closet in there.
I think she'll be repainting it though. I have built a pair of new flipper/grippers. Each side has a rubber gripper, and you choose the side based on where the saw blade would contact it, so as to not chew all the rubber away.
Keep blade in the black
Droppable Heel
They are for riding against the fence and pushing material through the table saw. I even made an extra one for a friend who's having trouble pushing stuff through the table saw! We continue to enjoy the hot tub, and with the promise of a warm spell have decided to keep it running for another week at least. Today was Hallowe'en, and we were pleasantly surprised to have 54 kids checking by for treats. The markets have remained volatile and terrible. TSX was down 3.2% for October, so it's tough going, but I did manage some gains. As I predicted, Dodgers won the World Series in six games. They just had too much fire power for Tampa Bay. In College football today, two of my teams played each other as Texas took down #6, and previously undefeated, OSU, so they'll probably get ranked next week. Then, re-ranked OU (#24 is a ranking!) played in the evening and notched another victory.
Erica writes, "Liam had an iron infusion on Monday. Eric had the day off and I can work
from anywhere, so, we made a trip if it. It was nice to be out of the
Harry Dresden
Wonder Woman
The rest of the week has been pretty ordinary, other than Hallowe'en—Eric dressed up as Harry Dresden, a magician, and I went as Wonder
Woman! Fun times! Haaken has been refining his Patreon site. He’s undecided between having
one time payments for one time requests or a monthly subscription for
those who wish to support him on a regular basis. He can only choose one
or the other."
Erin and Kristian are having an eventful life these days. Erin has to mask-up all day at work, and cannot wander around the dealership. Saskatchewan is suffering a resurgence along with the rest of us. Astrid and Liam experienced a close contact, so they've been excluded from school, and also from their mother's place for an isolation period. Shawn is glad to have them at home with him, but this also raises the risks for him and for his workplace! Kristian is enjoying his new courses.
Trav & Joanna keep active jumping through the hoops of the various government support programs during the pandemic. They are continuing to get some orders, more from out of province than in, as the hockey season struggles to start up across the country.
And that's about it for this week.
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