Saturday, February 1

News Update

Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather has been very mild with no snow, we (where "we" means Wendy) have enjoyed that. Wendy has been taking care of dressing my fingers until I went back to the physiotherapist on Thursday. It is now three weeks since the accident. He cut off a bunch of the dead skin so they are looking much better. He also gave me a batch of exercises to do over the next month while we are away to Regina.
Much healing has occurred!
He was very pleased with the progress and so am I. I have enjoyed getting out to the shop where I've been cleaning up some of the pallet lumber we salvaged last week. Fears surrounding the economic effects of the coronavirus have rocked the markets all week. All of my swing trades, except one, have stopped out. I am even starting to question my long-term buy and hold positions. So it was a terrible, no good, very bad week in the markets. I was at quota for the month, but ended up falling well short. The NHL has returned from the All-Star break. All of my teams are in good position heading towards playoffs. KU retained their #3 ranking and played two good games this week. Sadly, they have changed their broadcast arrangements and I didn't get to watch either one. Manitoba won both the Junior Men and the Junior Women's curling championships last weekend. This week, I've been watching the Saskatchewan championships for both men and women. 

Erica writes, "We had a short visit with Liam last weekend. He reports that he feels like he has more control over his bathroom breaks than he has had in years. That is such good news. We have been praying for some sort of solution for him and are so thankful that God has provided some relief and healing. He has a long way to go, as he still goes a lot. But, we are thankful for improvement. Haaken is also feeling much better and is returning to work. He doesn’t get sick very often, but when he does he gets really sick! We are getting into busy season, so that means longer days and some weekend work. Eric has also been doing some additional work in the evenings by supervising therapy students via the web.
We learned late this week that funding for Liam’s RU group to go on an Easter Tour has been cut. This is a trip they have been planning and practising for the past year. Churches and youth groups have already planned for them to come. They are urgently trying to raise the funds to pay for the trip. They need to raise approximately $6000. If you can help, please forward donations to:
Briercrest College and Seminary
510 College Drive
Caronport SK  S0H 0S0
and indicate that it is designated for Easter Tour 2020."

Erin and Kristian had a good week. Kristian has joined a hip-hop dance activity with the deaf and hard of hearing in the nearby high school. This is the school that he is slated to attend next year, and some of his friends are already there, so he is enjoying that. Erin is keeping very busy at work.

Travis and Joanna return from winter, on Sunday evening late. They came over on Monday to collect their bird and their dog—whew! So it is quieter around here now. They are right back at work including eight teams to photograph today.

And that's about enough for this week. 

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