Mother's Day Bouquet and Gift! |
Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather had been great, and the golf courses are open. I have continued to practice, so my game is in tip-top shape!! And, as predicted, it did not survive its first experience on the course! My first nine featured one duck hook and two 3-putts, sigh! My gout continues to bother me, and I can't seem to get the doctors to prescribe anything to help me. I have found some relief in home remedies, however, lemon juice each morning, and baking-soda-water a few times a day are not my first definition of joy! Wendy continues to paint. The decorated wall took three coats of primer, and still the background can be seen if you look carefully. She is struggling with the choice of colour for the finish, but it looks like it will be one of the hues of light brown—who knew there were so many?! I have started preparing the floors for the hardwood. The wall where I'm starting has two doorways, so that takes extra planning, cutting and trimming. Once that is completed, we should make good time for awhile. There are also two closets in the early going which will retard progress. For yet another week, the markets have not gone well. I had a good day Friday, but one day does not a week make! I'm lagging. The NHL playoffs continue with some exciting play. My four picks: Pittsburgh, Tampa Bay, San Jose and St Louis just need one more win to capture their series. The Blue Jays are playing much better lately, but they have yet to make up for their earlier poor play! Let's go Jays! In the final event of the Curling calendar it was Reid Carruthers who prevailed for his first championship. This evening Wendy and I took in the annual Mothers Day concert put on by the local barbershop chorus—that was delightful!
Liam got his braces off this week—yay! He celebrated with an apple. This weekend he plans to celebrate further with popcorn—real movie popcorn! The Baileys are back in Regina this weekend for university registration of Haaken. They never seem to get down there just to visit! Flights have been booked for the LST trip to Estonia this summer. Now all they need to do is raise the rest of the funds to pay for it! They have been consumed with watching the devastating news out of Fort McMurray.
University Student |
Pepsodent Smile |
Kristian has been out shopping with Shawn to get a Mother's Day gift for Erin. We wonder what kind of Lego he may have picked out? We expect that by this age, he will extend himself into some item of greater interest in her world; inquiring minds wish to know!
Joanna has been very busy again this week, as she has been putting in the contract hours in phlebotomy, more time on Puckshots, and extra time due to Mothers Day business. Trav is busy with his work, and trying to keep up with his beloved Penguins. Gemma and Andrew continue with their usual school work and activities.
And that's about enough for this week.
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