It's been a full week on the shore of Lake Wascana in the middle of the prairie. We were blessed with a large amount of rainfall on Monday and Tuesday, so the lawns are greening and growing again. The garden here is producing daily toward our meals, and it's great to enjoy the full flavour of the fresh vegies. On Wednesday we completed Erin's move by emptying the trailer load into her new place. Wendy has been busy most of the week cleaning up at the apartment, and Erin got checked out of there on Friday, and it appears she will get the full refund of her damage deposit—thanks Mom! The Riders played on Sunday (we attended, thanks to our children), and again on Friday night. Not only did they lose both, but they lost their second quarterback in the Sunday game, so we were down to third string and fourth string for the Friday night game in Edmonton! The Jays have picked up a few high profile performers at the trade deadline, so hopes are renewed for a playoff push in baseball. The markets finally turned around on Tuesday, and I had some days of recovery that allowed me to complete July on quota for both the month and the year to date. Thursday was extra special as I celebrated my sixty-fifth birthday with phone calls, cards, FBook posts and a special supper featuring steak and an ice cream cake. I was royally spoiled, and enjoyed it immensely. Now I'm looking foward to my first OAS cheque which, Wendy tells me, I can use to upgrade to an iPhone6. I got out for some golf practice this morning, but it was very hot, so I cut it short. Dad has been down with a cough, but after a visit to the doctor and a prescription of antibiotics, he's feeling some better.
Eric & Liam visited Regina on Wednesday for Liam's orthodontist appointment. They stayed for a meal, but Liam was suffering from his braces adjustment, so only Eric got to enjoy the benefits of that, but at least they got to check out Erin's new condo. Eric/A checked out an apartment in Rosthern. They thought it might
be nice to live halfway between PA and Saskatoon. However, after viewing the place, they decided to stay put in PA for another
year. They are reorganizing the apartment which includes designing floor plans on Excel! (Do not let an accountant manage your floor plan! Hopefully this project is done by the end of the
weekend. Liam is also getting into the reorganizing mood and is doing up his room. He is also working on his armour. Haaken finished his first two classes: Drawing for Animation, and Animation Principles and Timing Next week he starts his second pair of classes: Design Basics for Animation, and Digital Animation and Design. He continues to enjoy his classes and is happy to be in Vancouver. Erica took a quick trip to Regina on Friday evening for leftover ice cream cake and to check out Erin's new digs. She headed back Saturday afternoon as she's on for worship leading tomorrow in Prince Albert, and was really looking forward to that.
Erin has been consumed with the move all week. She took possession of her new place on Monday. Bernard and I picked up her furniture between the showers on Tuesday. I redid the wiring, plumbing and venting of the laundry room, so we could set up the washer, dryer and freezer more efficiently. Then, on Wednesday, we emptied the trailer load of household goods into the new place, and she began unpacking and arranging the condo. She continues to work on that this weekend even as she enjoyed her first house-guest, her sister, Erica! Kristian loves his new room with his new-to-him bed and furniture. Sadie appears a bit lost in the new place, but has established a favoured spot on the new sofa!
Trav & Joanna continue to be empty-nesting in Thunder Bay as the children are in southern Ontario. Next week, they're off to Minneapolis for a vacation-only trip, and then Gemma and Andrew will be back. They got some big Stickerz orders already this summer as a result of their advertising program, so that is also keeping them busy. And there's always the yard and garden calling for some attention as well. We enjoyed a nice FaceTime chat with them on Thursday evening.
And that's about enough for this week.