Saturday, October 24

Saturday, um, School!

Yes, it's true we spent today in school, and the children, although technically still on holiday, were present in even larger numbers. Since we had a adopted presentations and activities more visual than verbal this time, we felt the outcomes were more satisfactory. I hope they were! Following the afternoon program, we were invited to tea, and enjoyed spending the time with these gracious and thankful people. The community of parents expressed their appreciation by inviting us to a sports and cultural day which is set for November 1st. We have agreed to accept this invitation. 

Later this evening (or this morning back in Canada), we made use of the wifi connection in the lobby to try FaceTime. It worked very well, and we were able to talk to Erin and Kristian. However, we failed to make a connection to Erica and Travis. We shall try again another time. We also try to follow our favourite sports teams, but they seem to be playing though the night! The Blue Jays ended their season today, losing out to Kansas City in six games in the American League Championships. The Riders had a great start against Edmonton, leading 20-3 at one point, but faltered to lose 35-24. We got an update from Eric/A. They enjoyed a relatively quiet week. This weekend Erica is enjoying a ladies' retreat with the church group in PA. She's sworn to secrecy about the actual activities. (What happens at ladies' retreat stays at ladies' retreat) however, she did divulge that there are no classes or homework and that the only scheduled activities are meals. These ladies know how to do a retreat! Eric was asked to help fill in last minute for the Pastor this Sunday. That is very cool! Haaken checked out the college and career group this week. He also attended a drop in art session. He still needs to find work and we hope an opportunity comes soon. Liam finished his first term, but until they figure out the online reporting thing, we will not know how well he did. 

And that's the end of an adventurous week! 

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