Saturday, September 12

News Update

Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather has been beautiful, and we're enjoying that. We've managed to get some things done in the yard, but there remains a lot to do and little time to do it! We're feeling pressured by the list of things we would like to take care of before we leave for India. We're not scheduled to return from India until the end of November, and we could have snow here by then. The markets have remained troubled. The TSX is down another 2.7% this month, so I'm finding it a real challenge to find good investments. Wendy and I have been working on material to use on the India trip. We plan to deliver some classes for children in the schools, and Ray has also assigned me to speak on several occasions. On Thursday, I visited the dentist to get two teeth repaired that I had chipped off over the summer—expensive and painful, and painfully expensive! The Riders won the Labour Day classic over Winnipeg—yay Riders! Today, they played the return engagement in Winnipeg, called the Banjo Bowl—it didn't go well! The Jays continue to play well, and have opened a nice lead in their division. Today they won a double-header over the Yankees to extend their lead. 

Erica is away on a vacation trip to the US west coast, and seems to be enjoying herself very much. Eric and Haaken are holding down the fort at home in PA and not enjoying it quite as much! Liam is at school in Caronport. 

Erin & Kristian are enjoying life, work and school in Regina. Erin visited with the staff at school who work with Kristian, and she's encouraged that he is starting into a good year there. 

Travis and Joanna continue to operate on a very busy schedule. Gemma and Andrew are well into another year of school; this is Andrew's first year of high school. It seems to be going well for the whole crew. 

And that's about enough for this week! 

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