Saturday, November 9

News Update

Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather has remained nice although the big game hunters are crying for some snow! I've done some more work in the garden getting the composting material refreshed—hmm, refreshed somehow doesn't seem like the right word for compost! Bus driving is going well. We settled our contract, so I got my back pay. They provided flu shots on Friday, so I was glad to avail myself of that. The markets have been riled once again. Good economic news concerned the investors as they worried the Fed might start tapering earlier, then we got even better news on the jobs front on Friday, and investors decided things were going so well, not even the Fed could mess it up! I had a good week and remain above quota so far this month. Next week will, I'm sure, be yet another story! Football playoffs start this weekend. The Riders host BC for the west semi-final tomorrow—Go Riders! Pre-Olympic Trials are on in curling, so I've been watching that this week. Wendy has kept busy at Big Lots Canada. Today, she must have found the shift dragging so she left an hour early! Actually, she had forgotten to update her wrist watch last weekend, so she skipped out—at least that's her story! 

Eric/A have been considering, debating, questioning, researching and praying over the big decision on Eric's job offer in Dease Lake. Finally, they have come to a decision and Eric has accepted the position as Child & Family Mental Health Clinician.  This process now complete, he has received an invitation to interview on a job in Parksville! Yikes! Haaken is setting up a visit with North Island College to spend a day experiencing college classes and see what that is like. Liam, having recovered from his "lower body injury" is back at hockey, however, his visit to the dentist this week has him looking at some further dental work. This weekend the crew is in Victoria to visit Eric's family and enjoy playoff football. 

Erin & Kristian chatted with us a couple of times this week. Everything seems to be progressing well for them in Regina. Kristian completed and presented his book report to the class—that seemed to go well. Their early snows have melted, but more is promised! Kristian had the day off school yesterday due to a PD day; he spent the day at the Y. 

Trav is keeping busy with work and coaching. His Elks won their game over Nipigon and remain just one point out of first place in the tightly contested league. The family rejoiced over the addition of a new member this week. Beaker, a Crimson-Bellied Conure is the newest arrival!

And that's about enough for this week.

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