Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather has turned colder, and some days even remained below zero. We're being threatened with snow, but so far we've escaped that. Today, I roto-tilled the garden area, so that's ready for winter. I thought I was finished with trying to turn muskeg into soil when we left YK, but it's a big issue here as well. Wendy has been working all week at Big Lots; that's going fine, but she is continually frustrated by the level of disorganization there. Investors are struggling with record levels on the US indexes; some fear a "correction" while others fear missing out on the rally! Public comments by the incoming Fed chair got them back in a buying mood this week, and I had a great week raising me to above quota for the month already. Now, I need to make up for some months that fell far short! The Riders thrilled us with a win on Sunday over BC; they are set to play the west final tomorrow in Calgary—Go Riders! The Canadian Open of curling is the big event this week. Two of my favourites, Koe & Stoughton, are in the semi-finals tonight, but only Kevin Koe advanced to the final.
Eric had his interview for the Parksville job on Tuesday, was offered the position, and accepted it. So, he's begun his work as Marriage & Family Therapist; he's in Vancouver this weekend for a conference. Erica is busy with a facilities review, enrolment forecasts, and financial forecasts at work. Liam is back into hockey as he recovered from lower body injuries. Erica and the boys had dental checkups; Erica has a clean record, but must brush less vigorously. Haaken has a couple of small cavities; Liam will be getting to know the dentist rather well in the next while! Eric will get his dental checkup next week. They're hoping for some R & R and a Riders win this weekend!
Erin & Kristian are coping in snowy Regina. Her work at Taylor Motors continues to be rewarding and fulfilling to her. Kristian continues to progress at school, and enjoys his friends. Things work out well for after school care, so that's good. Erin still hasn't put the snow tires on her car, so it must not be too wintry yet!
Erin & Kristian are coping in snowy Regina. Her work at Taylor Motors continues to be rewarding and fulfilling to her. Kristian continues to progress at school, and enjoys his friends. Things work out well for after school care, so that's good. Erin still hasn't put the snow tires on her car, so it must not be too wintry yet!

And that's about it for this week.
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