The weather has been beautiful this week—getting to be too hot for me as we've been around 30 each day. It has been an eventful week as school closed for the summer, and my bus driving ended. I got out for my first golf game of the season on Wednesday; it was satisfactory (45-47-92) and my back seemed to handle it well. I had a wedding to officiate over yesterday—Best wishes to Ross & Laurie! And Wendy finally returned home last night—well, early this morning, 12:43 to be precise. So, she's busy catching up on all the things we've been neglecting! The markets have continued their troubled ways, but positive news from Europe turned up the heat on Friday and made my week and my month! Dad is making good progress with regular physio as an out-patient, and big efforts to keep up with his mobility around the house and neighbourhood. Bern, Alicia and Logan have arrived home from Mexico, so Wendy was able to come home to us. Now she'll be busy helping Erin get packed up for the move to Regina. The football season started last evening, and our Riders surprised Hamilton with a comprehensive thrashing—it was a bit of a surprise to most Rider fans as well!
Eric/A and the boys spent most of the week in Parksville looking for accommodations, and visiting prospective schools for Haaken and Liam. They've had a few good bites on their house, and hope one gets properly hooked and landed soon! They have two more weeks in Kenora before the big move west.
Kristian has thrived with all the special events and class outings that are featured as school ends. Erin has also completed her term of work here, but, knowing better what leaving means, her departure has been more emotional and teary. Mark is on his way here to help her with the move west.
Trav has been doing well with his contracts and work. He continues to get new equipment and software to play with, and I enjoy learning about it as well. Gemma and Andrew have completed the school year and look forward to summer activities. Joanna has taken a term promotion to lab work and more regular hours and is glad of that.
And that's about it for this week.