Saturday, July 2

News Update

We've had a lovely week here on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather has turned very summery indeed with bright sunshine and high temperatures—too high for this old grandpa! I have finished my bus driving for school, but have some charters lined up for the first part of July before we leave for our tour westward. Several thunderstorms have developed in the heat, providing special, natural, celestial displays, and it was just as well, as fog rolled in on the evening of the 1st and hid the Canada Day pyrotechnics down in the marina. Eric/A and the boys came down Thursday to spend the Canada Day weekend with us, so we're loving that! I got in another golf game—41-42:83, twelve over, but pretty good for me. I'm playing at 15.8 handicap right now, and am starting to realize that I may never see a single-digit handicap! Investments went well this week and I've recovered about a month's worth of value. The garden is developing just fine; I've given my weeds another dose of week-killer, but they continue to be remarkably healthy! I set up the pool this week, and the grandsons are getting to test it out. The football season has opened; Riders don't play until tomorrow, but Go Riders Go!

Wendy has continued with regular shifts at Walmart. She has also been adding to the planters in the backyard. She enjoys working on such projects, and produces very nice effects as well.

Kristian has finished his kindergarten program and will begin grade one in the Fall. For the summer he is enrolled in Day Care, and is also looking forward to visiting Papa at Uncle Dave's house when he travels with us this summer. Erin keeps busy with work and extra contracts. She also enjoys catching a few rays in the back yard; she and Kristian tan up very quickly—unlike the rest of us!

Trav has been fretting over free agent signings this weekend—it seems hockey has no off-season! Otherwise work and contracts are going well. Joanna is quite busy, but is also looking to pick up extra shifts when she can get them. This week, she was able to accommodate Wendy for her blood work, so that was a bit special. The whole crew was over for a quiet close to Canada Day celebrations last evening.

And that's about it for now.

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