Saturday, August 14

News Update

Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior, in my hometown. The weather has been hot and we've been doing a lot of yard work with garden, lawns and flower beds. We've had a couple of rains, and that has helped. The markets had a good Monday, and I made a good profit, but then it turned sour and the markets were down three to five percent for the week. I managed to get out on Tuesday after losing most of my Monday gains. After that, I just felt good for having skipped the loses the rest of the week! It was a good week for the Riders, as they won easily and moved back into a first place tie pending what Calgary does in their game tomorrow.

Our friends David & Marilyn arrived this evening to spend the weekend with us. It is good to spend some time with them and catch up on the goings-on in Dauphin, and in their lives. They've been travelling in the US and into eastern Canada and are now on their way home.

My back did not recover on its own, so I've been to the doctor. She's diagnosed and corrected the cause of the muscle spasms, and now we're working on stretching those out and letting them recover. It feels much better now, and I even slept through the night last night. She has also given me exercises to assist with my left shoulder and left ankle rehabilitation.

Wendy has been busy catching up on paperwork for both home and church. She has continued with her pruning mode and the various perennials have been trimmed to varying degrees, sometimes extending to the extreme! Weeds have not escaped her attention, and I'm finding them in piles all over the area! And, apparently, it was time for the furniture to move to new locations in the living room, so that has happened as well.

Erin has continued with work, and has been getting some catch up lab work done as well. We hope for favourable test results. Kristian has resumed his busy schedule of work with Grandma and two days of Day Care. Sadie has also expressed a love for Kristian's Lego toys, so we've had to help him manage to keep them locked away from her chewing.

Trav has continued with work and his other activities. We don't see too much of him during the week.

And that's about it for this week.

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