Another week has passed here on the shore of Lake Superior in the grip of winter. We got two good dumps of snow this week, so I've been able to exercise the snow shovels and the snow blower. Colder temperatures hit us in the middle of the week, but it's almost up to zero today–probably in line with the blizzard expected over night.

As mentioned last week, the car has been taken in for repairs. The mechanic called early in the week to confirm that the motor was needing to be replaced. He allowed that the cost would be in the three thousand dollar neighbourhood—not a place I was even thinking about visiting!
I have worked on a couple of small issues with my schools this week, and started development of the data project I hope will be approved later this month. Otherwise, it's been the snow clearing and the development of a small rink in the backyard for Kristian. It's now ready, and he got out for a short skate today—his first try, and I can't say that he enjoyed it a great deal!
Wendy has continued with Christmas preparations. Short bread cookies and Christmas cake are available in abundance, and the gander is getting fat! She finally managed to get a Wii, so that's one off the list. She also bought an artificial tree, so decorations have begun with that.

Of course the big story of the week has been Kristian's new hearing aids. He has taken to them very well, and we've delighted in his experimentation with lots of new words that he is hearing much better now. The ear inserts will nee
d to be replaced every three to six months. Kristian chose the colours–a head-shaker for sure!

Erin's work continues; she has had to work around various appointments for Kristian's fittings and speech therapy.
Travis has now finished his exams for this semester, and is doing a bit of extra work on the advertising and promotion front with one of his employers. He has decided to end the pizza delivery for now. And, with his extra funds, he's contemplating a pay down of his demand loan.
And that's about it for this week.
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