Saturday, June 28

News Update

Another week has passed as we begin a sojourn away from the shore of Lake Superior. We started off on Monday afternoon, and have now progressed as far as Regina. The weather has been good for our travels, except for a rainy day on Friday.

Monday morning found me in a workshop on Change. We investigated a parable called "Our Iceberg is Melting" and considered what we may need to do in the light of the changes that are imminent in our work situation. I guess this is particularly pertinent for me as the MISA program is ending (on August 31st), and I don't know what to do next. Shucks, I haven't even figured out what I want to be when I grow up!

On Monday afternoon, we headed west and drove as far as Kenora where we enjoyed the evening and night with Eric/A and the boys. We got to see their newly purchased house, although they aren't scheduled to take possession until the end of July. It's beautiful and on a beautiful location as well. Check it out at:

On Tuesday we continued the trip to Regina, although a frantic phone call from one of my schools required us to stop and access the internet in Winnipeg. Fortunately, Tom & Mariette were home, so we managed a short visit, a nice lunch and some online problem-solving. Thanks! We finally rolled into Regina about supper time.

The remainder of the week in Regina has found us involved in reclamation and repair projects. Rich has been redoing the back deck, so we helped a bit with that. I dug out my '67 Cougar, got it running again, and began applying the spit and polish! We also need to decide what to do about it as it has been in Erin's name as a Saskatchewan Antique, but now that she has moved her residency to Ontario, changes must be made.

On the golf side of life, I purchased two hybrid clubs that will hopefully replace my five-wood and my three-iron, but what they can actually do won't be known until I get some practice time in with them. I managed a bit of golf practice during the week, and finally a game this morning. That went okay, although my tee shots were erratic! I managed a +11 which is about right for me. My short game and putting were functioning well.

We have managed to Skype with Erin and Kristian back in Thunder Bay, and also with Eric/A in Kenora, but otherwise we have little to report from that side of the family. Next week we continue our trip west to British Columbia and look forward to our time in the Okanagan.

And that's about it for this week.

Saturday, June 21

News Update

Another week around home here on the shore of Lake Superior. The weather has smartened up and I got a lot of projects finished in the back yard. Next week, we plan to begin our summer trip, so deadlines loomed!

Father's Day began the week, and I enjoyed having a family dinner, and receiving a new, LARGE print, New Living Translation, Study Bible from my children and their spouses. Aside from being perfect, it was just what I wanted. My little paperback is getting a bit tattered, and the font seems to shrink each week!

Work also made progress as the last of my schools got signed off for the March reports (timely, since June reporting period opened on Monday!), only missing my expectation by a couple of months! The Ministry expects the March reports signed off by the end of June, but I expected them to be done by the end of April. Indeed some were completed in the first week of April. So, I've been getting people started on the June Reports. It's the biggest amount of data, but if they've kept their data up to date and clean, the reporting is very straightforward; which represents—in the case of my problem school—very bad news indeed!

I got the pool deck finished, the pool base filled and smoothed and the pool filled with water. I installed a new heating line, so I'm hoping that allows a better temperature control. I also got the landscaping upgraded and the remainder of the cedars installed, complete with drip irrigation. Wendy got bedding plants, and we got those installed. My garden is progressing, although I don't have as much variety as last year. I hope to get another batch of radishes planted before we leave.

I got out for a golf game with John on Thursday. There was some progress, but I faltered badly toward the end: 42-47-89. My handicap remains at 12.7, but with these results it may start climbing soon.

Kristian and Erin are doing fine. Erin has been continuing her house-hunting. I'm hoping she'll look closer to home! We'd have a hard time being without Kristian at this point, and we enjoy having Erin around, too!! Kristian is picking up new words each week, and seems to be making quite an effort to communicate.

Trav & Sylvia were over on Father's Day of course, and were also here for supper last night. Trav continues to hope for more work over the summer. They both had dental work yesterday, so they weren't feeling too comfortable.

And that's about it for this week.

Saturday, June 14

News Update

Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior, and I was able to spend it around home. Oh, we did take a day trip down to Minnesota to pick up a parcel, but work was around home, and we got quite a lot done. It's just as well—the weather has not cooperated with golfing weather!

I have a little work on a data storage project that I am able to keep up with on my computer at home. I have a couple of teleconferences, but for the most part, I'm on my own. Between showers, I get some more work done in the back yard. I build a slide structure for Kristian and get his fancy slide installed. It works well. I have also built him a sand box below the slide, and that necessitated many wheelbarrows of sand being hauled from the back gate. Grandpa's getting too old for this stuff—too much like work! The pool deck is nearly finished; the grass is growing in the back; the garden boxes are growing—progress!

In the midst of this we get some sad news; Barb, long-time member of our congregation, goes into cardiac arrest and passes on. We grieve for that. Life is fragile and uncertain.

Eric/A have purchased a house in Kenora. It looks great! We're looking forward to a viewing as we head west in another week. They take possession at the end of July. We also got their Honda Goldwings moved out of the garage to the local bike shop for rehab. They'll be glad to have both back in operating condition.

Trav & Sylvia continue with their usual routines. Trav wishes for a bit more of the contract graphics work over the summer; he may check out other work to fill his days.

Erin continues with work; it is going fine. Kristian is doing well; he has begun expanding his vocabulary, but he still doesn't talk much. He is enjoying having his cousins here this weekend. I am enjoying having Eric as we got to go out golfing today. You may remember the last two rounds were +19 and +20... this time only +7! (But then we only played nine holes!)

And that's the kind of week it's been.

Saturday, June 7

News Update

Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior, and, as I have now completed my school tours, I was able to spend most of the week here. The weather had turned nice and we're certainly enjoying that. Hay fever season is upon me, so I'm sneezing and otherwise reacting!

I managed to get out for my first round of golf in about three weeks on Sunday afternoon. It wasn't pretty, but probably a good reflection of where my game is at right now. I managed only two pars out of a total of 90! Wendy tells me that I need to golf more!!

Wes and I drove up to Armstrong on Monday morning, and worked there Monday and Tuesday. On Tuesday afternoon, we drove back to Thunder Bay, thus completing our set of school visits. Once again the visit was productive, and another school is signed off for OnSIS. I also installed the last of the Tangible Capital Asset monitoring systems.

John and I golfed on Wednesday, and although I managed four pars, the final result was similar—91. Wendy tells me I need to get out golfing more!! My ankle is complaining after each round, but it doesn't seem to swell up now, so I think it is gradually rounding into shape (round is a shape!). I have a lot of work to catch up on in the backyard, so golf time will need to be managed! As I mentioned, Erin bought a slide for Kristian, so I need to get a platform built, and a sandbox built and filled so I can get the slide installed. My grass is growing nicely, but there is lots of landscaping work and pool deck and...

Wendy does a good job of taking care of things at home. This week she's done a fair bit of yard work and also got going again on the kitchen walls. She's scraping the wallpaper off so we can paint them. We also plan some major changes to the layout especially in the dining area. I'm tired already!

Kristian got a good check up on his eyes. The infection has cleared up from his cornea, but we need to continue with applications of the antibiotic to his eyelids for some time yet. He is gradually learning and saying more words. He seems to understand a lot, but doesn't talk much (typical male!!). I managed to get his sandbox built, and the sand has been delivered, but old grandpa ran out of gas, so there's still many wheelbarrow loads to haul!

We enjoyed Sunday dinner (out) with Travis & Sylvia, and also Sunday supper (BBQ here)! I enjoy the Red Wing win of the Stanley Cup, but I think I was the only one in the family cheering for them!

And that's the kind of week it's been.