Saturday, January 13

What Does He Expect Us to Think?

Long prevented (due to computer failure) from commentary over the activity of Dubya (or Dumbya as he's known in some places), I have recently been biting my tongue. I was hopeful in my earlier piece (How He Got US Stuck in Iraq), and even more so as the Iraq Study Group produced and proclaimed their advice. However, recent events have pushed me over the edge, and I write again...

What does he expect us to think? And, since I suppose it would raise differing conclusions within the country, what does he expect US to think? I offer the following reasoned conclusions in response to his recent activities:
  1. Democracy is for other countries. I heard what the people said in November, and I hear what Congress and the Senate are saying now, but it's only in other countries that I expect leaders to respond to the wishes of the people. [Thus he is recorded to say (with regard to the Congress) on 60 Minutes, to be aired on Sunday, "Now I fully understand they will," Bush continued, "they could try to stop me from doing it, but, uh, I've made my decision and we're going forward."]
  2. Iraq is sovereign, but not from me. I will decide when an embassy is an embassy. Iraq cannot set up an embassy for Iran without my permission. So I will invade Iran's embassy and capture their diplomats if I choose.
  3. I am a peaceful leader and I'm quite willing to use my military to prove it.
  4. Diplomacy means talking to my friends, and when my friends don't agree with me, they're no longer my friends. I refuse to even consider talking with Iran, Syria or the variety of militias within Iraq. "If they will agree to everything I want them to agree to, then I am willing to talk about their agreement." [yeah, but it's a pretty accurate paraphrase]
  5. Our military might can exert our will over the whole world. If 130,000 troops don't change your mind, I'll send in an extry 21,500. There! Are you convinced yet?! Never mind that we tried to do this job earlier with 150,000 troops, this surge will get us over the 150,000 threshold and the militias will be overwhelmed!
  6. I don't care that the escalation will result in more casualties among our young men and women. Even though I promised no 'door to door' fighting, I'm now ordering 'door to door' fighting. Even though I promised our soldiers would never be under the orders of foreign leadership, I'm now putting them under the orders of Iraqi leadership.
  7. Another seven billion dollars of taxpayer money means nothing to me. We've already wasted 500 billion on this misguided war so what's another seven? Besides, we're broke, so I'm only borrowing it from China.
US Senator, John McCain, comments concerning the Bush administration's handling of Iraq, "One of the most frustrating things that's ever happened in my political life is watching this train wreck."

We concur. It is a sad, sad time for us, and for the US. The Iraq Study Group provided some viable options, but Dubya has refused them. America was designed and developed to be the hope of the downtrodden of the world, and it has often operated as such. Under its current administration it is a mortal menace to both the downtrodden and to us and to US.

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