Saturday, July 20

Turning up the Heat!

Another hot week has passed on the shore of Lake Wascana in the centre of the prairies. We began the week with mid-twenties, but the thermometer was gradually turned higher each day and we ended the week at 32°. I got out for a round of golf with Kristian and Dale on Monday. Kristian is continuing to grow his game, and he outdrove me at least three times—much to his delight! Of course, I'm not hitting as far, but I might never do that again, while his golf lays mostly in front of him. I scored +16 which seems to be about the norm for me in my comeback. Otherwise, as the heat turned up, we retreated to indoor work. Wendy is making slow progress on her paint preparations. Kristian and I have the cat tree ready to move indoors, but that has to wait until Wendy completes the painting. The new closet area is taking shape with shelves and a towel-hook bar. Now, I need to tackle rounded corner bead for the first time—hello, Mr. YouTube! The markets continued to roar forward at the start of the week, but faltered badly for the final three market days—c'mon guys! MLB was off most of the week for the All-Star break, but Jays managed to add to their winless streak all the same—sigh! The Riders hosted the Bombers last night, and came away with a convincing win—yay Riders! Today, we joined with the family and friends of Russell Knutson to celebrate his life. 

Eric wrote: "This week we played host to Liam and Mercedes. The week started with Erica’s band playing two sets. Liam and Mercedes arrived later that day. We have been educating Mercedes on Harry Potter, watching all eight movies. We attended a Rattlers game where we won upgrades and Liam and Mercedes watched the game courtside. The court action came right at them one time.

On Saturday, we are seeing the crooked trees and the Cochin lighthouse. Sunday, we are providing the music for church together, and Liam is presenting his RU plans for the church to consider. We have started making Christmas plans with Greg & Kiersten. Haaken is hopefully doing all right this week."

They bought new kayaks—now they need a storage shed! 

Erin and Kristian continue their hosting assignment. This week we made a special occasion Fuddruckers lunch meeting—that was a blast from the past. Erin, Wendy and I had taco salads. Kristian suffered another appointment in his drug trial. There were about ten blood samples taken, then he got his injection. He has been out driving most days, and ended the last tour with a successful parallel parking test! He now has an appointment for this driving test—Aug 15th. Erin got her first picking of strawberries today. 

Travis and Joanna got another part of their new living room furniture.
It appears that when the new furnishings are all installed they may have solved their flooring needs as well! At least the boys seem to approve! 

And that's enough for this week. 

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