Saturday, July 6

Moving Forward!

Moving along into our 55th year!

Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown—but we're not there! We are now ensconced at Erin's place on the shore of Lake Wascana in the centre of the prairies. We have begun work on her projects. Dave and I cut the Cat Tree to size, so it's as ready as possible for installation once the painting is done. Kristian and I got out for some golf practice today, and he also drove me around town for driving practice, and I think he's ready to try the test. At the very least, it will give him a more directed practice routine. On Wednesday evening, Tom set up a pair Zoom conferences so we could commiserate and share stories about our departed brother, Verner—thanks Tom! And thanks to my siblings and connections for sharing in that time. On Thursday, Wendy and I completed 54 years of marriage—it has been quite a ride! We celebrated the occasion with work on the Cat Tree, trimming the hedges at 55 Laird, and an evening meal out in a quiet restaurant—lovely! The markets had a shortened week with holidays both sides of the border, but we made good progress all the same. The Riders continued their winning ways as the back-up QB started and won his first game. Elsewhere the Jays continued their losing ways—sigh! 

Erica writes, "The beginning of the week brought an unexpected visitor. Aura’s WestJet flight was cancelled so we had the opportunity to visit a bit longer until her new flight on Air Canada took her home on Tuesday. We also got to enjoy a nice lunch at Denny’s before she left.  Then, on Wednesday, Eric took his niece Marina to the doctor who confirmed that she had broken her ankle a few weeks ago—youch!  Andrew returned this weekend to return Marina’s vehicle and we got in some more visiting. It was also very warm so we tried to enjoy the deck, but ended up back in the air conditioned house. On Friday, I enjoyed a day at the 15th green. MNP sponsored a hole at the Mont St Joseph gold classic and we gave out candy and golf balls to the teams as they came through. That’s not too bad a way to spend a day at work! Eric has been contracted to teach at the university of Saskatchewan again this fall. And this coming week we will make a quick trip to Ontario for a friend’s wedding. Liam is heading up to Saskatoon tomorrow to visit Gramma Bailey. Haaken got locked in his room and had to escape through the window. The door is now fixed. And Greg and Kiersten tested out their wedding gift from us!" 

Erin and Kristian are hosting us royally. Kristian has taken the role of my hired man and chauffeur! Wendy is very busy with paint preparations, and finding out there is a lot of work to do. We need to reorganize the family room so we can more easily do the patching. Tonight, we enjoyed a wonderful meal of chicken and veggie kabobs. 

Travis and Joanna observed the two weeks since Minnie's passing as they continue to grieve the loss of their little dog. Gemma & Jonas were home for a while, but their strategy of booking WestJet and waiting for the inevitable cancellation did not work out and they're now back in Vancouver. 

And that's about it for this week. 

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