Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather turned rainy part way through the week, and we enjoyed several thunderstorms and heavy rainfall. The most troubling storm was on Thursday morning when I got up early to see the eclipse and saw only heavy black clouds! It was too bad as we were directly in line for the best viewing angle! We were blessed to see two complete solar eclipses while we were in Africa, and there really is nothing quite like a total solar eclipse. We were in a group of thousands near Lusaka at the time of our first eclipse, and when it finally went dark, everyone began applauding! What an experience! We took off our fancy glasses and looked up at the back side of the moon lit by earthshine! Amazing—I recommend it highly if you ever get a chance! My understanding is that such never happened during this annular eclipse since the sun does not actually get blacked out, only reduced to a ring of fire, so, I'm doubting that you can safely take your solar glasses off in such a circumstance. The big experience of this week was our reception of the second dose of the Moderna vaccine. Wendy got hers on Monday afternoon, while I got mine on Tuesday morning. Wendy had quite a reaction at the injection site, and even now it remains swollen and tender. I experienced a dull headache, and some nausea the following day, but otherwise have returned to my normal. Now, we look forward with some anticipation of being able to travel in July. All provinces are doing a better job of managing infection rate, and only Manitoba is still above the 100/day rate. The improvement is mostly due to restrictive regulations, but the improved prospects have more to do with vaccination success. We're now ahead of the USA in first dose administration, and closing in on second doses. I did manage to get in some more golf practice a couple of times this week, but was also hoping to play—maybe next week. The markets began the week troubled as investors reawakened to their fear of inflation, but then, on Thursday, as we got data of actual inflation, they changed gears and gave us two big green days! Go figure! Anyhow, I was able to recover and get back to quota. We're into the semi-finals in the Stanley Cup playoffs. None of my teams and none of my picks have survived! Habs fans have paid me off to pick Vegas to win that semi-final; I'm picking Bolts win the other semi-final. The World Hockey championships ended on Sunday with Canada winning the gold over Finland, while USA beat Germany for the bronze.
Erica writes, "It’s been another quiet week. Sask Lipedema has set a launch date of June 22 at 7 PM Sask Time, which is currently the same as Mountain time. I will be doing a Facebook Live presentation about my own Lipedema journey. Eric is fighting allergies. His skin is really bothering him—it’s that time of year. We haven’t heard much from Haaken, Liam or Greg."
Erin and Kristian have had a good week. Kristian got his first dose of Pfizer vaccine at school. He received his learner's license in the mail, and also got to drive with his driver trainer for the first time. They drove all over town for about two hours, including parallel parking! It's amazing to think about! Now, he looks forward for more practice driving with his mom. Lucy seems to be feeling better, but it's still a bit unclear.
Travis and Joanna have been working through plans for another pergola for the upper portion of their deck. The planning stage seems about complete, so now they'll need a second mortgage to afford the lumber! Andrew has not been over, so we've made no progress on the Andrew-on-deck chair!
And that's enough for this week.
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