Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. We've had our first little hot spell of the summer, and are glad to see that our air conditioner is working just fine. It was not working in the car, so I got some refrigerant and recharged it, and now we're in the cool again! This weekend, the weather has turned cooler, and Wendy has enjoyed getting out in the yard. She's has cleaned up most of the flower beds, and also trimmed back the climbing vine we have on, in, under our deck! It just keeps spreading, so once in a while, it needs to be cut back.
Below Decks! |
I've made a bit of progress with the AoD Chair. Now, I need Andrew to prepare some more materials for the legs and seat.
Chair is taking shape! |
I've practised golf a couple of more times, and even played a few holes. It's not as easy on the course! I've heard it explained that there are three ways to swing in golf: the air swing—a practice swing in the air will usually be your best! The range swing, when you're hitting a bucket of balls—normally goes pretty well! The real swing—on the course—reawakens all your flaws! We continue to monitor the fight against the coronavirus. Wendy had an extended reaction to her second dose, but seems to be fine now. World-wide case numbers have improved by 6% in the last week, and Canadian numbers have improved by 26%! Manitoba continues to improve and is down to 111 cases per million, and, that's almost down to good performance. They remain, the only province with troubling numbers, but are much improved, so we're looking forward with hope! The markets have been terrible, no good and bad! Investors got a shock as the FED made it clear—they are looking at rate increases! That left me with a red week, sigh! The Stanley Cup semi-finals continue. Habs lead my pick, Vegas, 2 games to 1 (yer welcome, Habs fans!). Bolts and the Islanders are tied at 2 games each! Blue Jays are struggling as their relief pitchers are not providing relief! They did manage to win today. I am also following the US Open golf tournament where Canadian Mackenzie Hughes is tied for the lead entering the final round.
Erica writes, "Liam is home for the weekend. He has an appointment this week so we will hear more about how he is doing. Haaken is applying for some government grants to support him making a show. We are hopeful that he has success and is able to get his creation off the ground. A pop up clinic came to my office on Thursday so we were both able to get the second shot. We are now fully immunized!"
The week in Regina has been blistering hot with several thunderstorms accompanied by hail and tornados! Sadie does not like thunderstorms! Kristian has been practising his driving in the new RAV4—Erin is plenty nervous! All is going well so far. Kristian is completed his final pair of courses and ending this very strange year. It has not been easy!
The special event this week was Joanna's birthday party. We planned it to be our first restaurant outing, but when impending rain precluded a fun time on the patio, we relocated to our dining room and it was still a great time!
The Birthday Girl! |
Trav and Joanna are planning to add another shaded area to their back deck. We have picked up the lumber for that, at the cost of a small fortune, but are still waiting for some of the other equipment to arrive.
And that's enough for this week.
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