Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. This brings us through 2020, and launches 2021. I am not one who lends any importance to the artificial designation of January 1 as the start of something new. If they had chosen one of the solstices or one of the equinoxes as the year beginning date, it would at least have some measure of reality behind it. Here, in the northern hemisphere it is certainly significant when the hours of daylight begin to lengthen once again. Anyway, the weather has turned mild, and we've enjoyed getting out for walks on the melting streets. The forecasters predict that we'll be enjoying this respite for at least the next week, and coming in the depths of winter, it certainly provides a break. The scheduling of special days has accorded us about three Saturdays this week, but we're trying to keep track!
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One down! |
Wendy has completed one jigsaw, and begun another, but her main preoccupation this week has been preparing for the transition of the room rental from Gemma to our nursing student, Marianna. Marianna and her dad arrived from southern Ontario this evening. I have been able to get out to the shop for several afternoons of project work. I built a small jig to make shims; that worked well. I am now rebuilding the drill press trying to provide smoother action on that. I am looking forward to cleaning up another batch of pallet salvage, and building a couple of projects before summer. Stay tuned! Action on the markets was very thin due to the holiday breaks. I managed to have a good week despite that the Senate Republicans threw a wrench into the gears by refusing to consider the expanded stimulus cheques. The good results in the 4th quarter allowed some recovery for the year. Otherwise, it was not a good year on the TSX which only achieved a 2.2% gain. In contrast, the DOW was up 7.3%; the S&P 500 up 16.3%; and the Nasdaq up 43.6%. I only managed 6.6% which is well short of my expectations and quota. In the meantime, the pandemic continues to go gangbusters. There are over 80 million cases worldwide, and at least 1.8 million deaths—tragic numbers! Our numbers are worsening in Ontario, while the prairie provinces are, thankfully, showing some improvement, although Alberta is still worst in the country. The main entertainment of the week has been sports as the World Junior Hockey Championships are underway. Our boys have gone undefeated through the preliminary rounds and are now into the medal round—Go Canada, Go! My three university football teams in the USA had a good week, all winning their bowl games. OSU had a tight win, while Texas and OU pounded their adversaries. In university basketball, the Jayhawks were off all week, and remained off today, allowing Texas to take an easy win in the Phogg! Unimaginable! Rock Chalk Jayhawk!
Erica writes, "I haven’t written since last year, so this could be lengthy! Eric and I did a drive-by gifting for Grampa and Erin on
Wednesday. We couldn’t go in, but we were able to drop off presents and
do some caroling with Grampa. Eric,
Liam and I celebrated New Year's Eve on zoom with the Bailey cousins and
a few aunties and uncles. Haaken poked his nose into frame from BC, so
we got to see him as well. Eric
and I completed our Bible reading plan for 2020 and have found a new
one for 2021. We decided to do the Project Bible, Biblical Storyline
Reading Plan, through our Bible app on our phones. It includes an
animated drawing devotional before the reading. We
also decided to join a virtual challenge for motivation to walk daily.
Right now we are walking across the English Channel. If we manage to
complete that task without being eaten by sharks, we will attempt
another challenge. I
have made my annual New Year’s resolution to avoid vacuuming. In 2020, I
had a slip up with a shop vac. This year I hope to do better."
Erin and Kristian had a good week enjoying the Christmas arrivals in the comfort of their home. Sadie and Lucy did not get any time off, but Erin had Friday off!
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It's what we cats do! |
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Sadie also fully employed! |
It's busy time (year end) at work, and they also have an audit starting next week, so she's been working to ensure all T's are crossed, and most i's are dotted. Kristian is ready for school again, but it'll all be virtual this time.
Travis and Joanna joined us for New Year's Eve games and snacks. That was fun, although Wendy took the rest of us to School in the extended game of rummy. Apparently, she was trying to make up for Christmas when we proved perfect hosts in Greedy, letting them win all the games!
And that's enough for this week.
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