Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather has been very cool all week, but we hope it has now turned the corner toward Spring with 15° today. I celebrated the day by cleaning the shop portion of the garage, and getting our bikes out. I look forward to modulating my isolation with work in the shop in the coming days. I have many projects I look forward to tinkering away at with warmer weather inviting me out of doors. The golf courses have cleared off, but who knows when (whether) they will open! I have been swinging a club, but my repairing fingers are not enjoying it. Travis and Joanna take care of more and more of our grocery shopping, so that's a relief.
It's been a month—I hope I can soon touch my face, or perhaps have a shower! |
The case load of CV-19 cases have been growing here, so our concern is heightened. We're 20 minutes from the border, so our concerns are not allayed by premature moves to end the lockdown in the USA, nor by his musings of opening the border. Two links for you this week: the first shows how Canada and her provinces are progressing in the battle against CV-19, while the second shows the relative results for countries of the world. Within each site you can drill down for greater detail on how each province or country is doing at "flattening the curve". In the Canadian results, you will notice that only a few provinces are making progress (SK, MB, most maritime provinces). In the world results, I am alarmed to notice that whereas just a few weeks ago, I wondered if USA would get to 200,000 cases, now, I expect them to hit 1 million in the next week. The markets continue to be volatile. I expect this saw-toothed action to continue for some weeks or months. I am trying to analyse it and take advantage for some swing-trading. I managed another green week, with a bit more invested, but am still not making quota in any given week. Sporting bodies are anguishing over when and how they may resume activity, but to this point nothing. Golf has announced a return to play in June without spectators. We'll see.
Liam is back home in Prince Albert; Eric/A enjoy his company and his cooking. Otherwise, they continue to work from home and are settled in for the long haul. It was our plan to go there this Spring to help them build a new deck, but those plans are in abeyance. Haaken has been laid off at Costco, part of the economic fall out from CV-19. Fortunately, he was able to apply for the new emergency benefit and it came within a few days.
Erin continues with her work under even stricter isolation. Kristian is doing his classes with online support from his teachers. Sadie and Lucy enjoy having someone around throughout the day.
Travis and Joanna's main work with Ulrich Design is mostly on hiatus. Joanna gets some shifts at work, but it's only for take out orders. Gemma has moved into our basement suite to improve her isolation. Andrew works at a pharmacy, thus, his risk level for contact is increased. He has applied to return to Confederation College in the Fall, and has been accepted to begin Police Training.
And that's about enough for this week.
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