Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior, in my hometown. Days tend to blend into each other and we sometimes require consultations to figure out what day it is—it seems like we had some extra Saturdays this week! The weather has been very nice, the snow is gone, and the fairways have appeared again. The tee boxes and greens are still covered with their winter tarps. Don't know what we will have for a golf season during our isolation. We did take note and enjoy a special time via Zoom with 54 families of our congregation for a Good Friday commemoration last evening. Otherwise we remain sheltering at home while we continue our attempts to delay what we feel is inevitable—infection with the coronavirus. News of advances in treatment options along with the development of vaccines are tempered by reports of people being re-infected! Along with finding out about friends who are infected, we're now hearing about people we know who are dying of COVID-19. All news broadcasts seem to be focused narrowly on the disease; it does become a bit overwhelming at times. The USA refused to take it seriously in the early going, and have become the epicentre of infections with over 500,000 victims. It has also become the nation suffering from the most deaths from the pandemic, and still we see a few hold-out states refusing to shut things down—this will only prolong the suffering for all of us. This week's chart shows how things have changed down there over the last month, as far as cause of death is concerned. Wendy has been working on the quilt repairs, but she ran out of thread. She was able to order some online, and we picked that up today. I've managed to get the oak cut for the door, and dressed it through the router, so that job is ready to push forward. Next, I need to pre-drill and countersink for all the screws. The markets pushed forward during the shortened trading week as government rescue efforts have at least improved the prospect for corporations. I remain minimally invested, but experienced another green week at least. There are no new sporting events to distract me, but I have enjoyed watching reruns of curling games and even got to watch the 1966 Grey Cup game for a second time—Go Riders, Go!
Eric/A travelled to Moose Jaw this weekend with the trailer; they helped Liam pack up and move home to Prince Albert. Home office locations have been revamped to make room for Liam in his old room. They moved Erica's desk out of the living room, which is now filled with Liam's stuff. The house has become more fully occupied once again. Erica has been suffering with a cold and sore throat for some time, so she was referred for Covid-19 testing—negative! Haaken continues to work at Costco, and is feeling fine.
Kristian is back in the education business. On-line conferencing and support have helped him work through several learning activities. Erin remains at work as a core element of Taylor Toyota. But they have also managed a few extra family activities as they shelter at home. Featured activities include napping, watching TV, playing X-box and enjoying Sadie and Lucy.
Travis and Joanna continue to do their extra part in keeping us safe by doing some of our shopping. This weekend, they've arranged an Easter dinner which we shall celebrate remotely via FaceTime. At least we can get to see them once in a while.
And that's about it for this week.
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