Saturday, December 14

Happy Birthday, Carolyn!

Carole and Carolyn

Aunt Carole was a mentor, music teacher, sister, friend and employee! We drove to her front door in  Yellowknife at about 2am in late July 1977. We were welcomed, cared for, accommodated. This conviviality continued as she worked with me and for me during the eighteen years we lived in Yellowknife. Among many other things, Carole was a driving force in the development of a new school in Frame Lake South subdivision of Yellowknife. I became the first principal of that school as she brought me on board her vision of a community school, and I supplied the expertise and positional authority that came from my training and experience as an educational administrator and teacher. She worked for me there as an educational assistant. When I moved on to start another school in Range Lake North subdivision, she would have come along, but the superintendent refused to allow both Carole and her son to work in the new school, so she remained at NJMacpherson. Her multi-year influence on me through the church, the family and school were earnest, effective and important. She remains one of the most important shapers of my life. 

Carolyn Joy, her daughter, although arriving to our consciousness on this date some years ago as "Carole and boy", has benefitted from the years of an even more intimate relationship. She became a beautiful young woman who accorded me the honour of officiating at her marriage; she has remained a friend and supporter all the while growing a loving home with Rick, and growing two fine young men. She embodies so many of the values that I admire in her mother. 

Carole was taken from us much too early by cancer, but her life, efforts and influence live on in her family, her friends, her community; these are her legacy. Now Carolyn has determined to memorialize her mother and honour her brave fight against cancer. She writes, "Many of you know that while in Regina (2008) I lost my mom to cancer. It was definitely during that time that I had some of my darkest moments as well as richest.  Life is funny – we all know that curve balls come from all directions. We learn so many lessons through the tough times! One of the lessons that mom left with me was to live life intentionally.  I have decided to sign up for the Ride to Conquer Cancer 2014 and make this ride about my Mom’s journey. Maybe in some small way I can make a difference. During this season of giving if you can make even a small donation towards my donation goal I would really appreciate it. I've committed to riding 200km and raising critical funds to support the Alberta Cancer Foundation, and I need your help. Please be a part of my journey and make a donation today."

Rick and Carolyn are both planning to take part in this effort. Please support them by following their respective links:
Thank you in advance for your generosity! 

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