Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather has been cold, but has returned to mild temperatures this weekend with the expectation of rain. We expect to remain above freezing for the next few days. The week started with the Grey Cup game where my hoped for win for Kevin Glenn failed to materialize—congratulations to the Argos! The markets have whipsawed with each press conference on the "fiscal cliff" negotiations; I made a sale, reducing my portfolio to 32% in the market, and achieved a good gain for the week. Wendy has been busy with several appointments and getting ready to travel to Parksville. She was off this afternoon, and should get there tomorrow morning. She plans to spend the next two weeks there playing Grandma! We had one snow day, but otherwise bus driving has continued routinely. I have been invited to transfer to the Regina depot for driving there during January and February, so I'll be working on that. I've been preoccupied with the Canada Cup curling this week. Neither of my favourite Kevins had a good week on the men's side; I'll be cheering for Jeff Stoughton to win it all. I'll be cheering for the Stephanie Lawton in the women's final.
Eric is currently in classes in Winnipeg. He reports that things are progressing satisfactorily. Erica is not enjoying the home-alone experience so much! She is looking forward to having her mom there the next two weeks. Haaken and Liam continue with their usual activities.
Kristian had a troublesome rash develop this week, but that seems to have quickly resolved itself. He was delighted when Mark brought a Christmas tree and enjoyed decorating everything that is standing still in the apartment including his own bed!
Trav's work continues well. His hockey team had a good week, and is in the Neebing tournament this weekend. After their two wins today, they play in the championship game tomorrow. Joanna has continued to enjoy/suffer soccer. Gemma is not enjoying school so much this year, but is doing well.

And that's about it for this week.
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