We've enjoyed a wonderful week on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather has been beautiful, and even more strikingly so as we watch the inconveniences visited upon others in snow and ice storms, or even more drastically, in cyclones. We got a bit of snow on Friday, but otherwise the streets had melted and dried off, and I even enjoyed a walk home from work one day. I plan to do that more than once each week, but it does take a bit of coordinating to get the car home from work while I walk. And the 5.5 clicks is not something I want to do every day—unless it's on a golf course! The markets have been performing surprisingly well, and I have caught up to my goals, so I'm feeling very blessed in that regard. Bus driving is going well; I enjoy the daily interactions with the students and my fellow workers.
Wendy continues with Walmart several days a week, and with the household 24-7! This week she even surprised us with cookies! (Kinda puts the walk home into the useless category!) She is having problems with her feet, so, she's getting some therapy for that.
Erin and Kristian are doing well. Kristian was sick over last weekend, but seems to be back in form again. He's also expressed some discomfort over his hearing aids, but we don't know whether this is real or an excuse! Erin is busy with work whenever slippery conditions help people run into each other and need replacement transportation!
Trav is one of those, as he backed into a parked vehicle this week. The truck is okay, but there was some damage to the grill of the other car, so it needs repairs. We enjoyed supper with Trav, Joanna and family on Friday evening. His hockey team is thriving in the late going of the regular season, and seem positioned for a good spot in the playoffs. This weekend, his team is in a local tournament—so far, so good!
And that's about it for this week.
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