Saturday, October 2

News Update

Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather has been cooperating with my newly seeded front lawn, as it gives a bit of rain nearly every other day. This grass likes cool, damp conditions for germination, so I'm hoping this completes the job. The garden continues to produce tomatoes, but we're predicted for a hard frost again tonight, and since we're now into October, I have to think it will soon be time for green tomatoes all over the kitchen! The markets started off poorly this week (Just when I thought I had things figured out!), but then the other four days were good. That worked out much better than the last two weeks! I didn't get out golfing, but my back has continued to improve, so I'm ready to give it a go. The Riders beat the Argos this afternoon, but since Calgary won last night, they remain one game out of first. However, they have clinched a spot in the playoffs.

Wendy is back into her routine with gym, home, shopping and visitation. She is becoming quite expert with Lego, and Kristian loves it when Grandma helps with the various projects. We had two young visitors, Bana & Steve, stop in on Thursday night, on their way east. It was nice to meet them. Both of us have start our dental cleaning with the dental hygienist students at Confederation College. They take quite a bit more time than the professionals at the dentist, but with a fee of only $20, we figure we can afford the time!

Erin and Kristian have had a busy week. Kristian had really good news as his hearing check-up revealed that he has maintained his hearing level. There is always a concern with Pendred's Syndrome that his hearing will decline even more. The technician noted Kristian's comprehension of what was going on and moved him on to "big boy" testing elements; Kristian managed that, also. He's a smart little boy! Erin completed her promotion at work. She's enjoying the accolades of her boss, not to mention the increased pay! Sunday afternoon they are off to another birthday party—such a whirl of activity!

Trav has begun the hockey season once again with exhibition games and practices. He also keeps busy with work and individual contracts for graphic design and web site development. One of his recent websites is for Jennifer's Bakery Shop. Check it out!

And that's about it for this week.

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