Saturday, July 19

News Update

Another week has been spent away from the shore of Lake Superior. We begin the week in Regina and end it in Winnipeg. And tomorrow we head for home.

Sunday morning in Regina brought many acquaintance renewals, and included many farewells. On Monday morning, I began my solo journey in the Cougar. I headed over to Dauphin to get some paint problems repaired and to visit with Dick & Sue. Both ventures went well. The body shop people seemed to understand the problem and the repair looks great. Dick & Sue are wonderful hosts and wonderful friends. Dick, Kent, Randy and Wayne made sure I got a golfing fix, so that was great even if my golfing wasn't! My handicap rose to 13.1. However, local golfers were happy over some good golfing weather that has not been frequent this year—maybe I'll take credit for that!

On Tuesday, Dick and I worked on some renovations in the basement before another round of golf with Wayne. We installed two basement windows and got the framing finished, so he's ready for drywall.

Wednesday morning found me picking up the car from the autobody and heading to Winnipeg in steady rain. Although I didn't know it, I was also taking a few extra friends with me, but more on that later. Wendy arrived for a celebratory birthday supper for Tom with his kids and grandkids. A wonderful planked salmon was featured—what a treat!

Thursday and Friday were quiet days with a bit of shopping and then the wedding rehearsal on Friday afternoon. Erin & Kristian flew into Winnipeg on Friday morning as Kristian has a starring role in the wedding! During the rehearsal, Kristian performed brilliantly on the tricycle... now if he can only do it again tomorrow with the crowd there!

Saturday morning brought my little visitors to the forefront. I had decided on Wednesday evening that I had picked up athlete's foot somewhere in my journeys, so I began treatment with tough actin' Tinactin! However, by Friday evening, I was convinced that more was wrong, and Saturday morning we went to a nearby walk-in clinic and got the bad news confirmed. I have an infection that has probably taken advantage of the athlete's foot opening and my foot is suffering cellulitus. The doctor prescribed antibiotics (atho-cephalex) and I began treatments with double doses for the first day. Along with a ice bath, prescribed by Dr. Tom, this appears to be holding the infection at bay, but we will need to monitor it closely. I didn't appreciate the doctor's tone as he expressed his concern over saving my foot!

Tori & Sharon's wedding was lovely and came off brilliantly despite a reluctant Kristian failing to put on his ring bearing performance! We enjoyed meeting many friends old and new at the ceremony and the reception.

On the home front we have concerning news as Trav & Sylvia have separated again.

And that's the kind of week it's been.

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