I have expressed concern about our dollar's increasing value before, but in line with weakness in the US economy it continues to gain against the greenback. Today it hit ninety-four cents American. Of course it would be more meaningful if it were gaining against the Euro, but since the US is our biggest trading partner it still has a powerful effect on our producers. It used to be a common belief that a equitable comparison between the productivity and production costs in the two countries would call for a Canadian dollar at eighty-three cents, but things change. The Bushies' devastating economic practices with both trade deficits and budget deficits has forced the greenback to fall ever since Dubya took office, even more so against the Euro.
Our current valuation has not been seen since 1977—much more rare than a blue moon, but if the Republicans don't impeach Dubya, we may be looking at parity in the not too distant future. And now I see eyebrows raised in Stillwater! Yes, I do mean the Republicans. Why would the Democrats impeach the Shrub; he's the best thing they've got going for them!
Our current valuation has not been seen since 1977—much more rare than a blue moon, but if the Republicans don't impeach Dubya, we may be looking at parity in the not too distant future. And now I see eyebrows raised in Stillwater! Yes, I do mean the Republicans. Why would the Democrats impeach the Shrub; he's the best thing they've got going for them!
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