Thursday, May 31

Once In a Blue Moon

I have expressed concern about our dollar's increasing value before, but in line with weakness in the US economy it continues to gain against the greenback. Today it hit ninety-four cents American. Of course it would be more meaningful if it were gaining against the Euro, but since the US is our biggest trading partner it still has a powerful effect on our producers. It used to be a common belief that a equitable comparison between the productivity and production costs in the two countries would call for a Canadian dollar at eighty-three cents, but things change. The Bushies' devastating economic practices with both trade deficits and budget deficits has forced the greenback to fall ever since Dubya took office, even more so against the Euro.

Our current valuation has not been seen since 1977—much more rare than a blue moon, but if the Republicans don't impeach Dubya, we may be looking at parity in the not too distant future. And now I see eyebrows raised in Stillwater! Yes, I do mean the Republicans. Why would the Democrats impeach the Shrub; he's the best thing they've got going for them!

Prostate Biopsy

This morning I was subjected to a biopsy of my prostate gland. It has been acting up for some years, providing higher than appropriate levels of prostate specific antigen (PSA) that seems to have no other function than informing oncologists that it's time to perform more DRE's or a biopsy. Now, while the prospect of a biopsy may be considered yucky, it pales in comparison to the actual experience! Dr. Prowse (shudda been Sterns, as I mentioned before) was remarkably general when he described the procedure. The 'wet room' nurse is much more forthcoming...
"Dr. Prowse will be inserting a probe. It will be stiff like this pen, only larger (As in the Titanic was larger than my canoe.) and it will provide ultrasound imaging. You need to relax; tensing up will only make it more difficult. (Okay, I'll cooperate. Do I get time off for good behaviour?) Then, he'll be inserting a smaller probe to take the six biopsy samples..."
"Six! Dr. Prowse only said four!"
"There will be six. He will fire the trigger and..."
"Fire a trigger! Am I getting shot?"
"Well, actually it will carve a small slice off the prostate. And it will sting a bit. Then you may feel nauseous or like you need to urinate or defecate. Don't worry, we're used to it. That's why this is called the 'wet room'. Then he will finish you off by giving you a needle (Did she just say he would finish me off?) with additional antibiotics—just a little boost to those pills you've been taking all week. And you will experience some blood in the urine for the next few days—nothing to be alarmed about—but if you fill the bowl with blood, better come back in. (She says it so matter-of-factly even I have difficulty feeling alarmed.) You will also have blood in the stool for a couple of days and in the ejaculate for up to six weeks. (Wonderful, now isn't that a turn-on!) And if you experience any feeling of lousiness or fever in the next few days, better come back in. (Okay, I'm officially feeling lousy—should I stay?) Oh, and by the way, here's an absorbent pad for you to wear in your underwear." (Now who would ever accept that kind of inconvenient embarrassment?!)

And that's about how it happened... results in three to four weeks.

Wednesday, May 30

Where the Poor People Are...

This week I drove up to Armstrong and flew into Collins. The drive was punctuated by sightings of a number of animals. We started off Monday morning with a pair of white-tails on the road. As they bounded through the ditch and into the bush, we were treated to a pair of white flags jauntily waving us good-bye. Another special treat was finding a bear with her three cubs in the highway ditch. The sow was brown, and she had one cub of each colour—black, brown & cinnamon. We sat there for some minutes watching her chase the cubs up a tree, then return to grubbing out a fallen tree. Soon the cubs returned to her and we enjoyed watching them from about ten metres. (I hope the pictures turn out.) Overall, we saw two deer, four moose and ten bears. The other fellows also caught over a dozen lake trout (about five-six pounds each), and I appreciated being given two of the tasty treats.

As we drove home I commented to my fellow travellers, "The poor people are sitting in an office tower in Toronto—you can't buy an experience like this!"

Saturday, May 26

News Update

We start off the week in Dauphin, then gradually wend our way back to the shore of Lake Superior.

Sunday in Dauphin is an opportunity to refresh a lot of relationships. Thank you, Mabel for hosting us so graciously. On Monday, we pack up our dozen frozen chickens and head east. We stop in at the snake pits in Narcisse, a first for me. There are thousands of garter snakes at one of the four dens, just a few active at the others. We arrive at Kenora in time for supper with Eric/A and crew. We complete the trip to Thunder Bay on Tuesday.

Wednesday morning is used for another Acrobat Connect training session, and then I complete my preparations for a trip to Pickle Lake. Thursday and Friday find me in Pickle Lake working with one of our schools there. There is a lot to be done, but we manage to get some of it accomplished.

Saturday is spent around home. I get the lawn mowed, and practise a bit of golf. I work in the back yard in the afternoon, managing to get all the wood chips hauled around to the back of the house. Then Wendy and I check out George's work on his new project, and spend some time assisting with that.

Wendy has enjoyed the trip west a great deal, and now is trying to get caught up on things back at home. She manages to work in a few trips to the gym between getting the house back in order and the laundry done.

Erin is back in the run of babysitting and classes. She also spends a lot of time getting photos organized and posted in Facebook. Kristian babbles on (unintelligibly most of the time) and gets involved in most everything that interests him and concerns us!

And that's the kind of week it's been!

Saturday, May 19

News Update

We spend most of the week in Regina, until finally heading for Dauphin on Saturday morning in the rain. We enjoy getting a number of items cleared from the 'to do' list at DadK's place. I get the lawn mowed, the shower fan replaced, and the cedars trimmed. Wendy gets the windows washed, the recycling... ah recycled, and the bedding plants... um bedded. And she also manages to shop for Bill & grandpa.

I also get to play with the '67 Cougar all week. And I manage to get out to the golf course most days for a couple hours of practice. I'm trying to straighten out my driver... you'd think they would sell those things properly configured!

On Monday we drove the Cougar over to Moose Jaw to visit with Aunt Mary, Cousin Elvin and Grace—that was a warming occasion.

When we get to Dauphin, my golfing friends immediately demand that I go golfing, so I have to oblige them! I find my driver is now working very well indeed, but the rest of my game has gone south!! I end up with 94, and a lot more on my 'to correct' list! I am pulling and occasionally hooking my irons—usually the better part of my game. Fortunately, my short game is pretty good, or I'd have seen the dark side of 100! Anyway, I've never let the quality of my golf determine the level of my enjoyment, so it was a nice way to end the week.

Saturday, May 12

Making Time Flying

I had two connections on Saturday morning of the sort the old joke was made from. I took off from Thunder Bay at 6:00 and arrived in Winnipeg at 6:15. Then I took off from Winnipeg at 9:10 and landed in Regina at 9:12. So, I’ve decided to retell the old joke in that context…

An old feller wandered into the Winnipeg airport and up to the Air Canada ticket counter. “Say, do you have any flights to Regina?” the old feller asks.
“Yes, we do,” the helpful attendant responded, “In fact, our next flight leaves here at 9:10 and lands in Regina at 9:12.” The old feller raised an eyebrow and seemed lost in thought. “Do you want me to check if there are any seats left?” the attendant inquired.
The old feller shook his head slowly and then offered, “No, but I think I might hang around a bit and watch that sucker take off!”

News Update

Another week that began on the shore of Lake Superior has ended on the shore of Lake Wascana! A week that started hectic also ended that way, but there were some moments of peace and calm in between.

Wendy worked through the night on Sunday and finished all preparatory work on the cakes on Monday afternoon. Then I commenced building accommodations for all the cakes in the three coolers. So Wendy, Erin & Kristian headed west Tuesday morning at 10:00 and arrived in Regina by midnight.

Hay fever has struck, so I spent most of Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday afternoon sleeping. Our conference started Wednesday morning and I attended a workshop on Wednesday morning on Adobe Acrobat. I had a regional Professional Network meeting all day on Thursday, and then Friday morning I had a presentation at the conference. Travis picked me up Saturday morning at 4:45, and by 6:00 I was boarding my first flight on my way to Regina. I got into Regina at 9:14, made the quick change and made it to the wedding at 10:30. The reception was in the afternoon, and extended well into the evening. It was a fine day and a beautiful wedding between two truly beautiful young people. I got to catch up with lots of people in both the Knutson and Tucker families. By that time I was pretty tired (having been up since 2:30am Regina time), and was glad to head early to bed. Unfortunately, I am unable to make connection with the rest of my siblings who are gathering in Dallas to celebrate my nephew’s graduation.

And that’s the kind of week it has been.

Saturday, May 5

News Update

Another week draws to a close on the shore of Lake Superior.

I'm working out of the home office and in the backyard and on the home course! George and I get finished clearing trees from the yard; all told, we cut ten big ones and hundreds of willows. I have a tree chipper scheduled for Monday to clean up the branches, and we have many coming by to pick up firewood from our extensive collection. I'm back to the lab at the hospital on Thursday for more tests. I suspect my urologist now has the results, but I don't know if I'll hear about them before my biopsy, now scheduled for May 31st.

Wendy operated her day care section all week. She has several children each day, but seems to enjoy it all the same. She has begun work on the wedding cake, so by mid-week we were completely without dinner plates! (Each of them holding a section of cake in the freezer!) However, she has now begun assembling the cake, so our plates are returning. She, along with Erin & Kristian expect to head for Regina early next week.

Erin has finished exams and enjoys getting out more with Kristian. She's doing more babysitting, so she's not around much during the day. Kristian continues to amuse us with his antics and smile.

Trav & Sylvia keep busy with their work. Trav is working full-time now that school's out. We are waiting and hoping on Sylvia's job progress.

Eric & Erica are off to Niagara Falls this week so we have the boys with us. Erica has a conference there with her work, and they take the chance to enjoy the falls and visit friends in the area.

And that's the kind of week it's been.