Saturday, February 8


Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. We did get two good dumps of snow, and after we blew those out, we got heavy winds on Thursday to blow it back in! We blew that back out on Friday, and Wendy scraped off the pavement so it could burn clean. She has added her annual bookkeeping assignment to her work regime this week—that will take several days. As always, Sweet Adelines choir provides some business, and we also have rehearsals with Silver Sounds choir. I often chafe under the business when I lament getting over scheduled. This week, I added the Provincial Mixed Doubles curling out at Kakabeka—that was my first experience officiating mixed doubles, very interesting. I have picked up my uniform for Scotties which begins next weekend. On Thursday, I had an appointment at the RAVE (Rapid Access Vascular Examination) Clinic. The doctors there confirmed that my pulse was good in my feet, but the venous flow was clearly compromised by the blood clots in the left leg. The only new information they provided is that I am suffering from eczema in that foot. They feel this could be providing the access to the infectious agents, so they recommend that I treat the eczema. It has been a terrible, no good, very bad, week in business as the Orange Felon has stuck his oar in and messed things up badly. With his tariff threats, he got nothing for his country, but created a lot of turmoil in China, Mexico and here in Canada. He is still vowing to take us over, along with Greenland and the Panama Canal! In another fiasco, he is trying to cancel USAID which was championed by his daughter, Ivanka, and supported strongly by him in his first administration—it's all very sad! Fortunately, the courts have ruled against him for now, so we hope the funding for the major efforts against malaria and AIDS will continue. In general, the chaotic rants are creating unease in the financial markets, and all are in the red this month, and so am I. The hockey world is preparing for the Four Nations Cup, and we're looking forward to that. Many provinces are running their men's provincial curling championships this week. I've been following Kevin Koe's progress through the Alberta competition. He has advanced to the final set for tomorrow. The #16-Jayhawks won a great game against #3-Iowa on Tuesday, but they lost today to Kansas State, so they may lose ranking again. 

Erica wrote, "We  called Liam and Haaken for their birthdays. Our youngest is now a quarter of a century old! When did that happen? Haaken turned 28 and is closing in on 30. Both are doing well. Greg staunchly refuses to participate in Birthday month so we will call him in September. Liam is taking an elective accounting class and we spent some time on the phone going over some questions he had. In all but one case he knew the right answer; he just needed someone else to confirm. This week Eric presented a therapy approach for working with the whole family to a group of professionals across the country via Zoom. The presentation was called Family Systems Trauma. The presentation was very well received and there was a lengthy Q&A. I am in the final stages of planning for my trip to Germany for surgery. I leave on Tuesday and surgery is next Friday. I also had a concert on Monday at the care home in Shellbrooke. We are starting to jell as a group and are having a lot of fun!"

As predicted, Erin is very busy this week, and is even working this Saturday with her mentor. It has been a challenging session as she is not only getting help, and, doing it her friend's way to get it done, but also learning how to do it her own way! She is confident it will be more efficient after this. She has come to one important conclusion this week—she's cheering for the Eagles! Kristian reports that his skin condition is much improved under the current therapy—maybe I should get that. He has also been contacting the Deaf and Hard of Hearing support group about employment opportunities, but there have been no further developments there. 

Travis & Joanna continue to run more photoshoots, but that must be over soon as the hockey season is nearing the end. Trav also continues to push out Bucket Decal orders. The dogs are doing well, and Marigold brought the folks over Monday evening for supper and a visit. 

And that's enough for this week. 

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