Another week has passed, and we have vacated the shore of Lake Wascana, and returned to the shore of the North Saskatchewan River, in Prince Albert. We are enjoying the hospitality of Eric and Erica and considering a couple of small projects. Wendy wended her way through a pile of shredding today, although the shredder complained about her enthusiasm, and frequently over-heated and bugged out! I have brought the replacement materials to repair her library chair. It flips to form a small stepladder, but I found my original construction was not up to the task, so I rebuilt the chair seat. Now, I need to trim it to size and apply it to the frame. We enjoyed a round of golf with Erin and Kristian on Sunday—Wendy drove the cart for me, and newly realized that golf could be so much fun! Even with the cart, I got in plenty of walking, and my legs complained about it for a couple of days. I am considering a surgical option for my spinal stenosis, and I plan to discuss that with my doctor, as well as some trusted friends. Erin recommends it while I'm "still young". I thanked her for that characterization! Wendy cleared away some more Lego projects, and then re-sorted the area. Once we got our tools and stuff repacked in the car, it revealed a lot of improvement and floor space! Kristian has begun work designing the man cave downstairs. It will feature displays of his Lego Star Wars models, and include cat runs on the walls! We managed several more out of doors visits as Wendy's cough lingered, and we prepared to depart. It was good to spend some time with Bernard & Alicia, Marti, Aunt Eloise, Don & Sandra. David has passed along two shop tools and a variety of other stuff that will now be added to our collection! It was a challenge to get it all into the Santa Fe. After many more games of Fast Track, we headed north on Friday to PA. We have introduced Eric/A to the game, and provided them a game board of their own. The markets were troubled throughout August as investors struggled to determine which was the FED would move, and whether the USA economy would survive more rate hikes! They seem to have settled on the conclusion that the FED should be through the hiking cycle, and that the USA economy will manage the desired "soft landing". Although September is historically the worst month on the markets, we hope for a good month after the solid economic showing. The college football season has begun, and my Sooners blasted their opposition 73-0 today. I really do not expect a strong season from them, but we'll have to wait to see. The Riders play the Bombers tomorrow in the first half of a home and home rivalry series. It surely would be nice if they could win one of these games—Go Riders! The Blue Jays are struggling through a spate of injuries, but remain in the playoff hunt at least.
Eric and Erica are hosting us this weekend after their regular week of work. Tonight, their friends hosted us all for a karaoke night—it featured great music, less great singing, and tasty snacks! I even built a peanut butter ice cream cake for the occasion.
Erin, Kristian, Bill—golfing |
Erin and Kristian have successfully completed this session of grandparent-sitting, and are now able to relax for the weekend. While Monday is a holiday, Kristian returns to school on Tuesday, so there are some extra preparations needed for that. I picked him up a new pair of curling shoes, so that part of his schedule is ready to go. Erin is providing extra training at work in addition to her usual duties.
Travis had his busiest August ever with Bucket Decals and other Ulrich Design production. So, that's good! He also went through our mail for us this week as it turned out I had missed an appointment for an ultrasound! Seems we have been away too long, and didn't take note of the hospital's practice of only mailing out notifications! Who does that anymore? Joanna keeps busy with work, as it appears they will either need to hire additional workers, or persuade the current workers to increase their hours.
And that's enough for this week.