Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. The weather has been great with some more showers and pleasant temperatures. I'm always a bit relieved when we stay below 30°, although I begin to be uncomfortable once it hits 25°. Today, we celebrate Canada. Like all other countries, there are many ways that it could be better, but I am still proud to be Canadian, and count many of my blessings as due to being born in this country. I can think of only one other country where I'd rather live, and, unfortunately, New Zealand is a long way away!
Golf shirts, Greens Fees, Nice! |
Last Sunday was Father's Day, and my children treated me to a set of three golf shirts, and a jar of green fees to make use of them! Thank you, very much! The lawns are enjoying the extra rain. I have done some reseeding on the front lawn, and the new grass is coming along. I may cut it next week. Otherwise, I've been trying to keep up with the weeds and watching the rhubarb; it appears that is is ready for a third picking any day. Wendy has determined to buy some strawberries and has commissioned me to make a strawberry/rhubarb crisp from this next picking. The markets struggled forward all week, and I ended with quota for the month of June to close out another quarter. Nasdaq experienced its best half-year ever with a gain of 31.7%. S&P500 managed 15.9%, also excellent production, while TSX and DOW languished at just under 4%, which is actually a good gain in itself, although pale in comparison to the big winners. The Riders have the bye this week, so all I can cheer for in the other games is low-scoring and lots of injuries!! LOL! Blue Jays continue to flounder their way along and at the All-Star break are not even holding on to a playoff berth. C'mon Jays!
Erica writes, "We enjoyed a wonderful and crazy trip to Regina on Monday to see Amanda Marshall. She has such an amazing voice. We arrived an hour early and I thought for a moment that I could go visit Grampa. Then, I remembered that he is gone. This week has been busy with files due at the end of June. I’m also tired and ready for a long weekend. Eric picked up a kit to test his sleep this week. According to his Apple Watch, he didn’t get much sleep that night, so we expect that he failed his test! We hope it provides the information they need to help him. We don’t have much else to report on this week."
Kristian has finished grade 11 at school. It was pretty low key final week; Kristian feels he did well in the exams. Erin treated him to an Extreme Pita supper, and Swirl for dessert. The heat continues to produce thunder storms, but so far they've escaped damage to the garden. The spinach has not come back yet, perhaps they cropped it too severely. Tomatoes, peppers, peas and cucamelons are developing nicely. Onions and carrots are months away from picking.
Trav was in Toronto most of the week; he got back yesterday. He took in the Blue Jays and several AEW wrestling events while he was there.
Happy Rosie Day! |
We celebrated Rosie's birthday. She cooked spaghetti with meat balls and tomato sauce for us. I built an ice cream cake, and Wendy made cupcakes. Due to cultural differences, I don't think Rosie has ever had such a birthday celebration before. In her Vietnamese culture, babies are considered one year old when they are born, and they are deemed two years old at their next birthday which is celebrated in connection with Lunar New Year, and, of course, that date changes each year. Joanna came over to play cards one night, and we enjoyed that visit, too.
And that's enough for this week!