Saturday, August 20

Home Again!

Another week has passed and we have migrated from Lake Wascana in the middle of the prairies by the Red River on the edge of the prairies to Lake Superior in the Precambrian Shield! The trip went well except for a weather hiccough on Thursday when my proposed golf game got rained out! We drove to Winnipeg on Tuesday, and enjoyed the hosting by Tom & Mariette—very thankful! We were able to have short visits with some other friends in Winnipeg. Then, we completed the trip to Thunder Bay on Friday. We were just in time to help Gemma and Jonas pack up for their trip to BC. We were very glad of the chance to say good-bye and wish them well in their new endeavours. Now, we're engaged in the process of moving back into our own house and yard. Gemma took care of the lawn (actually, Jonas did that!), but we'll need to catch up with the garden and climbing vine—both have been growing exuberantly! The neighbour's shrubs, raspberries and vine are also encroaching on the side of the driveway. We also have surplus items from Gemma to work through. Some of those will be welcomed to our collection of stuff, others will be passed along to Travis/Joanna, and some will be discarded. Investors have been wavering this week as central bankers have responded to the less dire inflation data with reaffirmation of their plans to raise interest rates. Still, I was able to achieve quota once again. In sports, the Riders put up a dismal display against the Lions and were beaten soundly at home—c'mon Riders! The Blue Jays have turned it around a bit, winning four straight to end the week. In the World Junior Hockey, Canada squeaked the gold medal over Finland in OT! 

Erica writes, "Eric got curious this week and decided to take down a small part of the ceiling in the upstairs bathroom. We were hopeful it was just wall board instead of lath and plaster. What we discovered was—it is both! We, also, now know how they made the smooth curved inside corners in the ceiling. The wall board was nailed in place over the corners, creating the curve. I’ve started experimenting more with intermittent fasting with the diet doctor. I’ve added in a few 42-hour fasts. The first longer fast was pretty easy as it was right after the fabulous meal at Mabel Hill. The last two have been more challenging. However after the most recent fast, I had very little pain and stiffness in my hands. (For those who are concerned, I am taking some vitamins and minerals and regularly meet with my diet doctor counsellor to make sure I’m being healthy) I’ve also noticed an improvement in my energy. Liam concludes his work at camp this week. We hope to see him up in PA sometime soon. Haaken is doing fine in BC, still hoping for a positive response to his job application. Greg is continuing to heal out in Kenora. (For those who don’t know, Greg came to live with us when he was 15 and is another son to us.)" 

Kristian enjoyed another week at camp, taking in Creative Week. He declared it was the best of the four weeks he spent at camp this summer.

He likes to draw!

Erin enjoyed having the house and pets to herself, although work was not so trouble-free since her office was short-staffed, and Erin had to keep up with multiple assignments! Good thing she's not just a great employee, but also very clever! 

Joanna is hosting her sister up from Toronto. Travis has purchased another printer after using parts of his oldest printer to repair number two. The new printer basically provides the same functionality as the earlier two, but has a much greater productive capacity. The flood of orders that have begun arriving is keeping them busy, and portends a regular season of business this year. That would certainly be a welcome return to normalcy for them. Andrew is doing better, but has decided not to start college in the fall semester—get well first! 

And that's about enough for this week. 

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