Saturday, January 8

Welcome to 2022!

Another week has passed on the shore of Lake Superior in my hometown. We've had some colder weather this week, but nothing like they've experienced in western Canada, and we're back to single digits of frost here on the weekend. We've had a couple more dumps of snow; that keeps us occupied clearing the driveway. Wendy has completed puzzle #2. This one had 1002 pieces!
2 extra pieces from some puzzle!

We got good news from Regina as Dad was released from Wascana to return home. He is receiving Home Care morning and evening which provides a good service and some relief for David. The markets resumed with the Santa Claus rally on Monday and Tuesday, but then the FED hit! The minutes from the December meeting were wildly out of touch with the change in reality since then, but investors simply took them at their hawkish word, and started selling! And they sold for the rest of the week. So, it was a very bad start to the new year for me, and I even had to sell my Nasdaq100 index fund. At least this gives me the opportunity to reconsider my plans, and it gives you an opportunity to check my plans and give me your feedback and advice! Thanks! I got some bloodwork done this week, and will look forward to getting the results concerning my PSA in due course. I've been following the curling playdowns in SK, AB and BC. My guy, Koe, is through to the final in Alberta. Amber Holland is having a good week in Sask, and is in the semi-final tomorrow. In the NHL, we continue to get games cancelled by covid, and many other games where the play is very much affected by the loss of players to covid. My Oilers are doing very poorly, and are at risk of not making the playoffs at all. Pens put up a ten-game win streak that ended today. They have themselves back in playoff consideration. Leafs have maintained a high success rate and are near the top of the league. #6-KU has begun conference play in Basketball. I even got to see the game today at Texas Tech! But the game itself was a bummer—bye-bye #6! Rock Chalk Jayhawks! 

Erica writes, "Eric and I are back to work. Liam is still at home, so we enjoyed a few more days of his cooking expertise. On Friday, Eric put a chicken in the roaster with salt, pepper and sage, and asked Liam to put it in the oven. Liam spatchcocked the chicken, separated the skin from the chicken, and basted it with herbed butter—so fancy! Haaken got his new computer this week and he was very excited, or as Andrew said, he might have smiled. Liam heads back early next week. It has been terribly cold. Last weekend, we had long power outage. Fortunately, the power returned before the temperature got dangerously low in the house. It has us thinking about alternative heat sources, and garages, and under ground parking. Speaking of which, we have underground parking at my office. I don’t have a pass yet, but was able to use it after hours when another person was away—it gave our poor car a break! We are looking forward to warmer days. Eric got a jury summons today!"

Erin and Kristian have returned to more normal schedules, but the weather is interfering. One morning was so cold the buses were cancelled, so Erin took Kristian to school on her way to work. Friday, another nasty day, they just decided to stay home and avoid the weather! They also took advantage early in the week to visit Papa, and deliver the Christmas goodies to 55 Laird. 

Travis and Joanna have had business cut back due to the new covid restrictions in Ontario. All minor games are off for the next while at least. Maybe the season will resume later if we can slow down this wave of infections. At least they got a lot of photos taken before the pause. 

And that's about it for this week. 

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