Another week has passed, and we are now located on the shore of the Red River in Winnipeg! We drove down from Regina on Friday, and plan to continue east to Thunder Bay tomorrow. In the meantime, we're staying with Tom & Mariette—thanks a lot! We spent most of the week in Regina, cleaning up the project at Erin's and saying our good-byes. We packed up the car on Thursday—it is full! Then, we enjoyed a lovely evening around a family supper on Thursday evening, complete with peanut butter ice cream. I got out with Erin and Kristian on Wednesday for a final round of golf. That was fun, Erin played well, better than last time. I managed a +8, which would have been very good for me, if I'd played 18 holes. So, it appears my earlier results were not an aberration, but the "new normal"!
Stylish, but not so effective!
Wendy assures me that I just need to play more! Wendy helped Kristian go through his clothing collection and weed out the stuff that no longer fits. Students and teachers are learning of plans for their return to classes. The plan for Kristian, as he starts high school, is for Quints. They have established 5 terms of around 35 days each during which he will take two classes only, one in the morning, the other in the afternoon. Masks and other precautions are in place with the hopes of avoiding a surge in coronavirus infections. In some situations in the country, classes are already being cancelled as hot spots emerge. We experienced further precautions ourselves, as we were advised not to make our usual coffee break stop in Brandon due to their recent outbreak. The economy is taking a hit all over the world due to the virus. This is most prominent in countries that are not taking it seriously, like
USA and Brazil who are seeing over 1000 deaths each day. Central banks are shoring up the money supply with near zero interest rates, so the stock markets are taking this as "bad news is good news". Major job losses threaten in both USA and Canada. We will need the government to continue to step in to assist those who have no viable means of support. I have increased my buy-in to the markets, and enjoyed a full quota this week for the first time this summer. Sports took a hit this week as teams, players and even entire leagues responded to yet another example of race-based police abuse. Most are returning to play this weekend. Stanley Cup playoffs are pushing through the round of eight with my teams all hanging in there. The Blue Jays are on a roll, and have moved into a playoff position in baseball. Golf is in the second last event of the PGA season, but some majors remain to be played.
Erica writes, "Liam has rented an apartment in Caronport. He is still looking for a job, but has enough savings to carry on for a bit. We pray that one of the jobs in Caronport come though. Not much has gotten done on the house. I’ve been a little under the weather and getting extra sleep. However we did finish the latest Alone Series and are now into Season 1 of Tough as Nails. Haaken has nothing new to report. He says everything is “good”."
Erin and Kristian hosted us for some meals this week as she was trying out her new air fryer.
Erin Fried Chicken!
It seems to work very quickly and very effectively. She made a lovely pork loin roast one evening. She took Tuesday through Thursday off work, so we enjoyed being able to relax with her. Shawn got an interview with Ranch Ehrlo, but we haven't heard the decision on that opening. Kristian is getting himself ready for grade 9. He has another pet-sitting assignment lined up for next week.
Travis, Joanna and crew are waiting for us back in TBay. We look forward to seeing them again. I have enjoyed chatting with Trav through a few hockey games, as well as discussing the Pens/Leafs trades.
And that's about it for this week.
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