Another week has passed and taken us farther from home! Tonight we're in Albuquerque, so we need to remember to avoid that left turn! We began the week in Lawrence KS where we enjoyed the excellent BnB of Aunt Helen, and the company of friends and family. Thank you! On Tuesday, we drove down to Stillwater OK where we enjoyed the hospitality of Jack & Joanne, and Steve & Jenny—thank you all! I got to take his 1946 Harley for a short cruise–I've never even seen a motorcycle with a hand shifter before! It was a bit of strange on the weight and balance as well! I also got to take my best girl for a drive in both a '29 Ford and a '35 Chev.
1929 Ford Model A |
Both vehicles were a delight to drive around a few blocks. Of course, we got in lots of reminiscing about Zambia, and were able to solve all the problems there once again!! They had suffered a loss, as Jack's brother recently passed away, so we shared condolences as well. On Thursday, we drove over Okeene OK and reconnected with part of the Calder family who we also know from Zambia. Rod is currently away in South Africa, but Sue and Josh were there, so we caught up with them, and remembered many shared memories and made a few more! Thank you for your kindnesses. This morning we enjoyed breakfast, and then got back on the road west.
Got to drive on Route 66! |
I missed one turn, so we put on a few extra clicks, but still made good time and rolled into Albuquerque in time for a nice supper. It's been a rich week, and although the markets teetered over news from the middle east, I managed a good week and made quota. The Jays have managed to win a couple of games—from Boston no less! Yay Jays! The Riders played in Ottawa behind their backup QB. Their QB is looking at several weeks to overcome the headshot from game 1. Anyway, the offence played very well, but the defence was sorely deficient and they lost again. Let's go Riders!
The Bailey's got their roof rebuilt and re-shingled just in time for the rain.
New Shingles brought Rain! |
There were quite a few boards that needed to be replaced once they got the old shingles off. It sounds like it was a good thing they got it done this year. Now they just need to pay the bill—yikes! Erica had a meeting in Regina and was able to swing by Moose Jaw on the way home and have a visit with Liam. He is living the life of a paid actor! Next weekend he has training to become a paid camp worker. Haaken has applied for a few more jobs. Some places indicate they are interested in diversity and hiring individuals with disabilities so they have been talking about how to accomplish that.
Kristian had a crash and burn week. He fell at school, breaking his radius and bending his ulna. So, he's in a plaster cast for a couple of weeks and then they hope to switch to the lighter fireglass version. He's been quite a trooper through all this.
Tough break, buddy! |
Papa and Uncle Dave signed the cast! |
The big event of the week, probably the year, in Thunder Bay was Joanna's birthday celebration. We managed an early occasion to mark the event, but it was official this week as she celebrated the 20th anniversary of her 30th Birthday! Congrats all around!
Happy Birthday! |
And that's about enough for this week.
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