Saturday, February 17

News Update

Another week has passed and we have completed our transit to the shore of Lake Wascana in the middle of the prairies. The weather has been variable this week with one cold day, and one day above zero with rain—wild times we live in! We enjoyed our weekend in Dauphin and then drove over here on Monday. Wendy had a doctor's appointment referral on Tuesday and that seems productive. She has been booked for another finger-unfreezing, and also referred to another specialist who will consider replacing the fused joint on her index finger with a hinge. We'll watch that development with interest. We have settled in with Dad, and developed a good working program. Wendy has been working with Dad in the shop, and progress is being made there as well. I replaced the ballast in the troublesome fluorescent in the shop, so that's working again. Then, it turned out, the garage door opener had failed just before we arrived—timely, I know! I spent some effort trying to repair it, but failed. As I like to brag, "If I can't fix it, it's not broken, it's ruined!" Not true, but in this case, we declared the opener ruined and were glad to find that Lowes had a sale on. I installed the new one; it works pretty well, but the installation was not problem-free, and is also not completed! It turns out the new electronic opener is not compatible with the old sensors, so I shall have to replace the sensors as well. Fortunately, sensors were supplied, so it's just a matter of removing the old ones and wiring in the new ones! The markets reversed themselves several times this week, but at least US markets made some gains which helped a lot; I had a good month this week! My sports calendar is full with Olympics, NHL and NCAA! I've mainly been following the curling at the Olympics. Koe is doing well and currently in a playoff position, although he dropped an entertaining game to Edin (Sweden) last night, and another to the Swiss tonight. Homan is not doing well, but she finally won last night over the USA. She probably needs to win the rest to make the playoffs, but she is certainly capable of doing so. Olympic Hockey doesn't raise much interest since the best players are not there. This evening I got to enjoy the Pens win over the Leafs, and the Jayhawks comeback win over West Virginia. 

'Hey, it's good to be back home again!" Eric and Erica celebrated Valentines Day with a cooking date. They purchased a spiralizer and made spiral veggies with steak! Erica added a cream sauce. This weekend Erica is at a Ladies Retreat in Moose Jaw with a group of ladies from PA; Wendy is there, also. It promises to be a good weekend. Liam is preparing for Youth Quake. He plans to come home on Sunday to catch up on sleep for a week. Haaken enjoyed this past week off, but he decided to stay in Victoria. He must like it out there! Eric was on the radio on Valentine's Day with a special on relationships. 

We've caught up with Erin and Kristian here in Regina. Kristian had Friday off school, and he spent it with us. Then, we all enjoyed his bowling league this morning. He continues to raise his average, and is the best bowler on his team. Erin had more car problems this week. The interlock solenoid on her steering column decided not to recognize her key! The replacement was over $1000, but then it was discovered that this was a recall item by Nissan, so the part could be purchased for less than $100. Finally, Nissan allowed as how they should be replacing the part gratis! So, it ended well. 

Travis, Joanna and crew are taking care of things back in TBay. Joanna returned from Toronto, and jumped right back into the swing of things at work, and in the business. We are certainly grateful to have them there taking care of the house while we're away. 

And that's about it for this week. 

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